Danger for Volodymyr Zelensky: “Nobody in the West is talking about Ukraine’s victory today”

Danger for Volodymyr Zelensky: “Nobody in the West is talking about Ukraine’s victory today”
Danger for Volodymyr Zelensky: “Nobody in the West is talking about Ukraine’s victory today”

“Ukraine’s victory” has become a topic that no longer arouses much interest in the West, claims foreign policy analyst Ștefan Popescu.

“Unfortunately, nobody today in the Western world is talking about the victory of Ukraine, they are talking about the survival of Ukraine, about the delay of the Russian advance, but we are far, by the way, from (…) the speeches regarding the state of health of Vladimir Putin. At the same time, those coincided with very optimistic messages about the ability of the Ukrainians to throw the Russians into the Black Sea and restore control over the borders recognized in international law”, commented the professor from SNSPA, for B1 TV.

The great problem of the West

The professor from SNSPA warns that the production lines in Europe and the USA present big problems.

“The Western world, the United States, but especially the European Union states have a big problem with industrial production lines, because in a war the competition is not only between the actual armies, but primarily between industrial capacities. These are, to quote Napoleon, ‘the nerve of war’.

Unfortunately, the European Union, the industrial states still have a lot to do, a few more years of sustained, coherent efforts, let’s hope they will be, in order to achieve a capable industrial position, industrial capacities capable of supporting Ukraine’s needs”, commented Popescu , for the cited source.

“The good health that septuagenarian Vladimir Putin displays coincides with a much more pessimistic discourse in the Western world”

Moreover, Vladimir Putin’s health is very good, believes Ștefan Popescu.

“Here now the good health that the septuagenarian Vladimir Putin displays coincides with a much more pessimistic discourse in the Western world – if not pessimistic, much more restrained – about Ukraine’s ability to achieve a victory on the front”, he added specified the analyst.

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Tags: Danger Volodymyr Zelensky West talking Ukraines victory today


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