Ciolacu accuses traders of “camouflaged” price increases and sends checks “urgently”. “We are preparing a regulation”

Ciolacu accuses traders of “camouflaged” price increases and sends checks “urgently”. “We are preparing a regulation”
Ciolacu accuses traders of “camouflaged” price increases and sends checks “urgently”. “We are preparing a regulation”

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu accuses traders of “camouflaged” price increases, in the sense that they have reduced the weight of some products, maintaining the price, without presenting a visible warning to this effect on the packaging.

Ciolacu publicly asked the control inspectors “to intervene”, announcing that “we are preparing a regulation”.

“It seems that it has also reached us: the fact that some traders have reduced the weight of the products, but left the prices as high. I consider this to be a form of consumer fraud! It is actually a “camouflaged” and economically unjustified price increase under a very similar packaging. I ask all the control authorities in Romania to intervene urgently! And in parallel, let’s prepare a regulation, on the French model: manufacturers must be obliged to visibly indicate on the packaging that they have reduced the weight, if the price of the product has remained unchanged. And, obviously, harsh sanctions for non-compliance with this obligation”, stated Ciolacu, at the beginning of Thursday’s meeting of the Executive.

Magda Severin is a journalist with over 30 years of experience, currently editor-in-chief Online at ZIUA CARGO and editor of the monthly magazine ZIUA CARGO (print); 2015 – present, contributing editor at the online newspaper SECUNDA.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Ciolacu accuses traders camouflaged price increases sends checks urgently preparing regulation
