Microsoft Continues Changes in Windows 11, Update with Major News

Microsoft Continues Changes in Windows 11, Update with Major News
Microsoft Continues Changes in Windows 11, Update with Major News

Microsoft continues to expand the capabilities of the Windows 11 operating system with a number of improved features and new additions that will make the user experience more intuitive and interactive. A recent update brings a big change to the use of QR codes directly from the built-in Snipping Tool in Windows 11, a new feature that makes it easier to access links directly from users’ desktops.

The new automatic QR code detection feature, available to Windows Insider testers, identifies QR codes in screenshots taken with the Snipping Tool. This update allows users to access links quickly and efficiently by integrating QR technology directly into the Windows 11 system workflow. In addition to QR codes, Microsoft also introduces support for inserting 3D emojis into screenshots, thus providing a new dimension to visual communication .

Windows 11 users will also be able to benefit from other improvements to the Clipping Tool, such as the ability to change the opacity and outline colors of inserted shapes, as well as the reintroduction of the ruler tool, which can be activated via the CTRL + R shortcut. These new options enrich the editing functionality available directly in the Windows 11 interface, making it easier to customize screenshots.

Microsoft Continues Changes in Windows 11, Update with Major News

In addition to updates to the Crop Tool, Microsoft is also making improvements in the creative area, renaming Pain Cocreator to Image Creator. This AI-powered feature enables the creation of images from text, continuing to be a valuable tool for creative Windows 11 users.

In addition, Microsoft is giving a major update to the Start menu in Windows 11 Build 26212, introducing a new feature called “Companions”. This includes interactive widgets that appear in a floating panel next to the Start menu, similar to Windows 10 live tiles and widgets in the current widget panel. These adaptive cards will allow useful information such as weather and financial data to be displayed directly from the main screen.

Microsoft gives users the ability to control the positioning of the Companions panel, adding more flexibility in customizing the user interface. With all these improvements, the basic design of the Start menu remains familiar, keeping the pinned apps and the recommended section, which includes recently opened or added files and apps.

These updates reflect Microsoft’s commitment to continuously improve and innovate the Windows 11 experience, ensuring that the operating system lives up to the expectations of its users in an ever-changing digital environment.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Microsoft Continues Windows Update Major News
