Exclusive. 839 Former Parliamentarians Receive Special Pension. Why Their Number Will Increase, Even If Compensation Has Been Eliminated By CCR

Exclusive. 839 Former Parliamentarians Receive Special Pension. Why Their Number Will Increase, Even If Compensation Has Been Eliminated By CCR
Exclusive. 839 Former Parliamentarians Receive Special Pension. Why Their Number Will Increase, Even If Compensation Has Been Eliminated By CCR

The return to payment of special pensions for former parliamentarians took place on December 12, 2023, after the CCR decision number 678 appeared in the Official Gazette, in which it was explained why the elimination of these incomes is only possible for the future, all those with a full mandate until July 1, 2023, being able to be beneficiaries of an age limit allowance.

In an answer for Libertatea, the Secretariat of the Chamber of Deputies stated that the number of those who benefit from special pensions, as former deputies, is 583, related data for February 2024.

361 former elected officials received money for one mandate in the Parliament, 159 ex-deputies – for two mandates carried to the end, and 63 for three or more.

There are 256 beneficiaries of a special pension in the Senate: 141 receive it for one mandate, 55 for the presence in two legislatures, and 60 – for three or more legislatures. According to information from the Senate Secretariat, the net amounts of pensions are between 1,968 lei and 10,951 lei

New files for special pensions

At the Secretariat of the Chamber of Deputies, no less than 17 people submitted their special pension file after Decision 678/28.11.2023 was published in the Official Gazette on December 12, 2023. On the other hand, six requests appeared in the Senate “in order to obtain the allowance for the age limit”, after the publication in the MoF of the CCR decision.


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And the number of special pensions will continue to grow (although gradually, due to natural causes, some will go out of payment). The applicants have on their side the decision of the CCR, which specifies: the pensions in force until the law on their elimination is approved remain in payment, but parliamentarians with at least one mandate completed before July 1, 2023 will also be able to claim their right, regardless of when they will want, one condition being that they have the required retirement age.

“Considering what has been established, the Court finds that, in terms of the effects of this decision, the reparation of the damage caused to the beneficiaries of the age limit allowance, who had it in payment, will be carried out ex officio (no – ex officio), regardless of whether they promoted or not a legal action, starting from the date of termination of their payment, i.e. July 1, 2023, and, at the same time, on the one hand, the payment of old-age allowances in payment on the date of entry into force of Law no. . 192/2023 regarding all the aforementioned beneficiaries, and, on the other hand, to grant this allowance to deputies/senators who exercised at least one full parliamentary mandate before the entry into force of the law and who reached the retirement age provided for by law after the date of July 1, 2023”, explain the judges of the Constitutional Court.

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According to Libertatea’s calculations, the youngest parliamentarian with a full mandate before July 1, 2023 is Mara Mareș (born in June 1992). Mareș will be able, if he wants to benefit from a special pension, to submit his documents in 2055. Among the former parliamentarians who benefit from this allowance are Petre Roman and Gheorghe Funar.

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The article is in Romanian

Tags: Exclusive Parliamentarians Receive Special Pension Number Increase Compensation Eliminated CCR
