Fines of 12,000 lei after the pharaonic wedding in Buzescu that blocked traffic. A criminal case was opened

Fines of 12,000 lei after the pharaonic wedding in Buzescu that blocked traffic. A criminal case was opened
Fines of 12,000 lei after the pharaonic wedding in Buzescu that blocked traffic. A criminal case was opened

Date of update: 12.05.2024 20:45
The date of publishing:

12.05.2024 18:36

Two fines totaling 12,000 lei were issued by the police, after wedding guests from Buzescu blocked traffic in the locality, IPJ Teleorman announced.

“The two organizers, men, were sanctioned contraventionally according to OG no. 43/1997 R on the legal regime of the roads with 6,000 lei each”, said IPJ Teleorman on Sunday.

Also on Sunday, when images and information about what happened in Buzeşti appeared in the media, IPJ Teleorman specified that he had opened a criminal case and was investigating for blocking or hindering traffic.

“On the 10th of May, the police officers from the Teleorman Road Service reported themselves ex officio and drew up a criminal file in which investigations are being carried out for blocking or hindering traffic,” claimed IPJ Teleorman.

The police informed that they were present in the area where the event took place, but “not to facilitate the movement of the procession”, but to ensure public order and peace, as well as the flow of traffic.

The article is in Romanian


Tags: Fines lei pharaonic wedding Buzescu blocked traffic criminal case opened
