Romania, pressured to give Patriot systems to Ukraine. In return, Typhoon planes will patrol non-stop

Romania, pressured to give Patriot systems to Ukraine. In return, Typhoon planes will patrol non-stop
Romania, pressured to give Patriot systems to Ukraine. In return, Typhoon planes will patrol non-stop

Romania is under pressure to provide Ukraine with Patriot air defense systems. The subject was brought up during the visit of President Iohannis to the White House.

Romania, pressured to give Patriot systems to Ukraine. In return, Typhoon planes will patrol non-stop

Newsweek Romania wrote that Biden asked Iohannis to give Ukraine a Patriot battery.

The meeting, part of Iohannis’ three-day trip to the US, was scheduled to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Romania’s accession to the NATO military alliance. “There was a discussion about who can send Patriot systems to Ukraine,” Iohannis told reporters.

At this moment, Romania has 4 Patriot systems, one of which is operational. Romania is also waiting for another 3 Patriot systems. Patriot systems have the role of anti-aircraft defense.

Also read: Biden asked Iohannis to give Ukraine a Patriot battery. What did the President of Romania answer?

Along these lines, the Ukrainian press writes an article entitled “What kind of air defense does Romania have and what reserves does it have to help our country?

The authors present the current context in which Ukraine desperately needs Patriot missile systems to annihilate Russian aircraft attacks.

“Romania is on the list of potential donors of Patriot air defense systems for Ukraine.

According to several Western media institutions, after the discussion with American President Joseph Biden, on May 7, the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, stated the following:

Read also: VIDEO Romania is considering sending the Patriot system to Ukraine and SkyCeptor interceptor missiles

“In recent weeks, there has been talk about who might send Patriot systems to Ukraine. President Biden mentioned that during our meeting, and I said I’m open to discussions.”

At the same time, the Romanian leader added that it is necessary to coordinate this issue with the Supreme Council of National Defense, because “it is unacceptable to remain without air defense” and that it is necessary to understand what can be obtained in return.

He also pointed out that, theoretically, Romania could provide Patriot systems that have already been delivered to the country, but which are not yet in a combat mission.

Only one Patriot system is functional

The journalists also analyze the situation of the Patriot systems that Romania has.

“Regarding the second point, the actual figures are somewhat different: some sources mention that Romania currently has up to 4 Patriot batteries, of which only one is on combat duty, and the rest are still being appropriation by staff.

On the other hand, The Military Balance 2023 claims that Romania had eight M903 Patriot PAC-3 MSE launchers at the beginning of last year, without detailing the organizational structure”.

Read also: The country, which opens the “rage of the sky” with F-16 for Kiev, sends the Patriot system to the coast of Russia

Romania, pressured to give Patriot systems to Ukraine. In return, Typhoon planes will patrol non-stop

The Ukrainians suggest that Romania does not master the mode of operation of the Patriot systems:

“In November 2023, Romania had been preparing for a year for the first firing with the Patriot missile system, but it still had a “technical error”, Ukrainian media reported.

Journalists admit that the transfer of a Romanian Patriot system to Ukraine makes Romania vulnerable to an air attack.

In addition to the Patriot systems, Romanian air defense can currently only rely on eight MIM-23 HAWKs and five Soviet S-75M3 Volkhovs. He ensures the air defense of Bucxurești.

Regarding the Soviet Volkhov anti-aircraft systems, there is publicly available information that Romania last used them in training exercises in 2018, so Romania does not really count on them.

What can be the solution?

There are several options regarding the “issue price” for Romania to supply Patriot Missiles to Ukraine.

Bucharest ordered the delivery of seven Patriot batteries under a contract in 2017, with three more to be delivered, and the negotiation is likely to be to speed up these deliveries to the Romanian military.

Or, another likely option is to strengthen Romania’s air defense with NATO’s air police force.

What is the NATO Air Police?

NATO Air Policing is a peacetime mission that aims to maintain the security of the Alliance’s airspace.

It is a collective task and involves the continuous presence – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year – of fighter jets and crews, who are ready to react quickly to possible airspace violations. Details HERE

If he makes this exchange and Romania offers Patriot systems to Ukraine, Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft will patrol Romania’s skies.

Incidentally, six Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft of the Royal Air Force (RAF) landed at the Mihail Kogălniceanu Air Base in Romania on March 25, 2024, in support of NATO’s consolidated air policing mission.

Details HERE

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Romania pressured give Patriot systems Ukraine return Typhoon planes patrol nonstop
