Railway works. Car transfer

Railway works. Car transfer
Railway works. Car transfer

The National Railway Company CFR SA informs that during the period 8-14 May 2024, on the GURASADA – SIMERIA section, infrastructure works will be carried out in Deva, Minti and Ilia stations, execution stages that require de-energizing the contact line on the SIMERIA – DEVA – ILIA interval and the adoption of special traffic measures, necessary to ensure continuity in rail passenger traffic.

Between May 8 and 14, 2024, the builder continues the installation of sound-absorbing panels and fiber optic cables in the Deva, Mintia and Ilia stations, and in the Simeria Wagon Overhaul, works are carried out on the contact line.

Thus, for the safe performance of the works in the Deva, Mintia, Ilia stations, but also in the Depot premises, it is necessary to de-energize the contact line, during the above-mentioned period, between the Simeria and Ilia stations, and to maintain the continuity of local railway traffic, the constructor will ensure the transfer of passengers from the following 4 Regio trains, with vehicles, between the ORĂȘTIE – SIMERIA stations and return:

→ R 2038 runs between Cluj Napoca – Orăștie, with car transfer Orăștie – Simeria

→ R 2301 runs between Teiuș – Orăștie, with car transfer Orăștie – Simeria

→ R 2036 car transfer Orăștie – Simeria, with traffic under normal conditions from Simeria to Cluj Napoca

→ R 2302 car transfer Orăștie – Simeria, with traffic under normal conditions from Simeria to Teiuș

Also, train IR 12831 will run instead of train IR 1832 on the route Timișoara Nord – Lugoj – Ilia – Simeria – Războieni – Cluj Napoca – Suceava – Iași, departing from Timișoara Nord station at 05:03 and arriving at Iași station at 10:18 p.m.

The article is in Romanian


Tags: Railway works Car transfer
