An elephant comes to town, to the Arta cinema

An elephant comes to town, to the Arta cinema
An elephant comes to town, to the Arta cinema

You can hear the continuation of the story of the elephant Babar on Sunday, May 12, from 3:00 p.m., at Cinema Arta in Cluj.

Article edited by cristina.rusuMay 9, 2024, 10:26 am

“A baby elephant was born in the great forest. His name is Babar. His mother loves him beyond words”. One day……

The pianist Adriana Toacsen and the narrator, the actress Oana Mardare, have prepared a fantastic musical journey, based on the composition of the French musician Francis Poulenc and supplemented with contemporary chords, based on the compositions of the authors Diana Rotaru, Cătălin Crețu, Cristian Bence-Muk, Ariadna Ene Iliescu, Irina Perneș and George Pais.

Pianist Adriana Toacsen, the initiator of the tour that started in the country in April, gave an interview to Radio Cluj, you can listen to it here:

The public can also participate in the story of the elephant coming to town.

If you want to be among the scenery of the story, you can make elephants, trees, leaves or crowns from paper, cardboard or fabric.

In order to be able to be inserted in the show’s scenery in good time, the objects must be taken to Cinema Arta by Friday, May 10, 2024 at 9:00 p.m.

The French composer Francis Poulenc composed “The story of Babar, the little elephant” in 1940, while he was visiting his cousin, inspired by his host’s children. Pianist Adriana Toacsen is the first to present Francis Poulenc’s composition to the Romanian public.

You can listen to his composition here:

Doina Borgovan

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The article is in Romanian


Tags: elephant town Arta cinema
