Ukraine doubles electricity imports, including from Romania

Ukraine doubles electricity imports, including from Romania
Ukraine doubles electricity imports, including from Romania

Ukraine intends to double electricity imports on Thursday, after a strong Russian attack on the country’s energy system, the Ministry of Energy announced, reports Reuters, reports Agerpres.

Imports would increase to 16,699 megawatt-hours (MWh), compared to 7,600 Mwh on Wednesday, the Ministry of Energy informed on Telegram. The institution specified: “Today, at the request of Ukraine, the supply of emergency electricity from Poland, Romania and Slovakia has already been carried out”.

Emergency assistance will also be provided in the evening, during peak electricity consumption hours.

In a separate statement, Ukraine’s electricity grid operator, Ukrenergo, indicated that it expects a significant electricity shortage on Thursday.

“Industrial consumption will be limited from 18:00 to 24:00. Due to the increase in consumption, supply interruptions are possible”, stated Ukrenergo.

Ukraine, a net exporter of energy before the Russian invasion in 2022, significantly increased its electricity imports and halted exports after a series of attacks on the country’s power system in March and April.
