Ciolacu: “Romania will collapse if it no longer has access to European funds and if it does not implement EU reforms”

Ciolacu: “Romania will collapse if it no longer has access to European funds and if it does not implement EU reforms”
Ciolacu: “Romania will collapse if it no longer has access to European funds and if it does not implement EU reforms”

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu stated that Romania’s economic sustainability depends on European funds without which our country “collapses”. Ciolacu made this statement, referring to the anti-European rhetoric in the public space, during the “European Communities for Romania” debate, organized by PSD and PES activists Romania.

Marcel Ciolacu, at the Government Photo: Inquam Photos / George Călin

“Regarding the PNRR, I am always asked by the press about the status of the funding of the funds, because they bring us a higher standard of living, but the most important component of the PNRR are the reforms. Romania’s economic sustainability at the moment is based on European funds and we must understand and when someone screams on the street or on television or in Parliament we must answer them very clearly that Romania will collapse if it no longer has access to European funds and if it does not implement EU reforms”, said Marcel Ciolacu, quoted by Agerpres.

He recalled that, of the 41 billion lei that were invested by the Romanian state in the first four months of the year in highways, hospitals, schools, etc., a large part comes from European funds. At the same time, he said that the relationship with the European institutions should not be one of force.

“The way with populism, the way with which we have to go to Brussels where we have to beat the crowd with our fists to get certain things or to make ourselves heard or maybe to hold a rally in front of the Commission or the Council does not represent anyone and does not represent, more elected, a people like the one from Romania”, appreciated the Prime Minister.

On the other hand, he admitted that, in the discussions within the EU, Romania was often on the defensive because it went to Brussels “with unprepared lessons”.

“We went without knowing very clearly what we wanted, and then we all tried to fix what we alone signed and assumed before the European Commission, the European Union. This has to stop. Political disputes between democratic forces must take place on the territory of Romania”, commented Ciolacu.

He said that a very important structure in the use of European money, especially due to its stability, is the local administration, led by mayors and presidents of county councils elected for four years.

“Prime ministers, you have seen that they change one a year, I am the tenth in this series of prime ministers. And I’m going to change as soon as possible because the mandate is until the end of the year. Stability, on the other hand, remained with the mayors. They are elected for four years and they are the main partners and the main beneficiaries both of the funds, but also the main partners of the Romanians”, concluded Marcel Ciolacu.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Ciolacu Romania collapse longer access European funds implement reforms
