What happens to wages and who decides! It is an important milestone in the PNRR/ Role of the World Bank

What happens to wages and who decides! It is an important milestone in the PNRR/ Role of the World Bank
What happens to wages and who decides! It is an important milestone in the PNRR/ Role of the World Bank

The Ministry of Labor announces that the new wage law, before being put into decisional transparency, will be discussed with the “social partners”. In this sense, he makes more clarifications, through a press release, following the information that appeared in the public space:

“- up to now, consultations have been carried out within the social dialogue with the representative trade union federations of all occupational families;

– some of the social partners submitted proposals for coefficients and salary scales;

– the proposals are under analysis, this being carried out according to a methodology developed by the government consultant for this draft law, namely the World Bank;

– the wage law is a very important milestone within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) – Milestone 420 – which must be fulfilled by Romania. For this reason, MMSS is also in permanent contact with representatives of the European Commission;

– the entire process of implementing the new wage law was and remains a transparent, open one, with the main objectives of eliminating unfairness from the system and stimulating performance”.

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The article is in Romanian

Tags: wages decides important milestone PNRR Role World Bank
