VIDEO ISU Vrancea: “Detector for Life”

VIDEO ISU Vrancea: “Detector for Life”
VIDEO ISU Vrancea: “Detector for Life”


Over 6,600 house fires (on average 18 per day) took place in Romania last year. According to the statistics of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU), the fires affected 1,125 people, of which 268 lost their lives.

A fire discovered and announced in time has considerably higher chances of being located and extinguished faster, which can mean not only the reduction of material damage, but above all the saving of human lives.

Because every minute counts in such situations, smoke, carbon monoxide and gas detectors can make the difference between a minor incident and a tragedy. These devices primarily have a warning role, immediately signaling the occurrence of a fire or a gas leak in the spaces where they are placed.

The national campaign “Detector for Life”, carried out by the Department for Emergency Situations and supported by E.ON and DELGAZ GRID, continues this week in Vrancea county.

On April 30 of this year, the military and volunteer firefighters from Vranci started installing smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in homes that represent a high risk from the point of view of fire safety, due to heating sources and more.

In this sense, more than 200 such detectors were installed in the homes of the residents of Vrânce from the communes of Cotești, Nănești, Păunești, Ruginești, Străoane, Tătăranu, Țifești and Vidra, and in the following period, they will be installed in other communes in the county .

We announce the fact that, as part of the “Detector for Life” campaign, 375 smoke detectors and 125 carbon monoxide detectors will be installed in Vrancea county, and 10,000 detectors will be installed nationally, of which 7,500 smoke detectors and 2,500 carbon monoxide.

The counties where these alarm devices are installed are: Alba, Braşov, Caraş Severin, Călăraşi, Covasna, Dâmboviţa, Harghita, Hunedoara, Iaşi, Maramureş, Mureş, Neamţ, Olt, Suceava, Teleorman, Timiş, Tulcea, Vaslui and Vrancea.

This campaign tries to bring to the attention of the population the importance of prevention and the responsibility of citizens in having a safe home. Protecting the family and property is a desire of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations but also one of every firefighter who, at every intervention, does everything possible to keep the damage to a minimum and, most importantly, to protect and save the life of the citizen.

Through simple means and not very expensive compared to the possible consequences of a fire for example, each of us can contribute to having a safe home, protecting family members, loved ones and neighbors.

The Inspectorate for Emergency Situations “Anghel Saligny” of Vrancea County requests citizens to report all situations that may endanger life, property or the environment to the single number for emergency calls 112!

Information on how to behave in case of emergency situations can be obtained by accessing the national emergency training platform and the DSU mobile application that can be downloaded for free from the App Store and Google Play.


Information and Public Relations Department of ISU Vrancea

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The article is in Romanian

Tags: VIDEO ISU Vrancea Detector Life
