Remarkable results obtained by students of the High School of Arts in Alba Iulia, at the National Olympiad of Instrumental Interpretation

Remarkable results obtained by students of the High School of Arts in Alba Iulia, at the National Olympiad of Instrumental Interpretation
Remarkable results obtained by students of the High School of Arts in Alba Iulia, at the National Olympiad of Instrumental Interpretation

Remarkable results obtained by students of the High School of Arts in Alba Iulia, at the National Olympiad of Instrumental Interpretation. Between April 25-27, Suceava was the host of the National Olympiad of Instrumental Interpretation for grades V-VIII.

Alba County was proudly represented by the students of the “Regina Maria” Arts High School from Alba Iulia, who returned home with outstanding results, obtaining three first prizes and one second prize.

Remarkable results obtained by students of the Arts High School in Alba Iulia:

In the Piano section:

  • First Prize: Antonia Dogeanu, 5th grade and Felix Constantinescu, 8th grade, guided by teacher Cecilia Simion.

In the Guitar section:

  • First Prize: David Tudor, 7th grade, under the guidance of Professor Dragoș Tudor.

In the Violin section:

  • Second prize: Nicolae Andrei Bulac, 6th grade, prepared by teacher Mihaela Roșiu and tutor teacher Ovidiu Pârjol.

“These exceptional results reflect the talent and dedication of the students as well as the professionalism of their teachers. Congratulations to all the participants and good luck in the future”, the representatives of the high school said.

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Tags: Remarkable results obtained students High School Arts Alba Iulia National Olympiad Instrumental Interpretation
