“Entire regions in Romania continue to be among the poorest in Europe”

“Entire regions in Romania continue to be among the poorest in Europe”
“Entire regions in Romania continue to be among the poorest in Europe”

Combining the local elections with the European parliamentary elections has put the European elections in the shadow, Mircea Geoană believes. During this period, NATO’s deputy general secretary participates in several debates organized by the Romania Reborn movement. These are intended to bring attention to as many important topics as possible for our country, from the economic, social and educational spheres, in an era of digitization and fragmentation

Mircea Geoană launched, in Alba Iulia, the first debate of the “Revival Romania” Movement. Supporters and experts discussed the future of Romania.

“Today, on the same territory there are two separate countries: Romania of rich cities and Romania of poor cities.

A poverty that deepens with the inability of governments to produce programs and opportunities, investments and jobs elsewhere than in fiefdoms or home businesses,” said Mircea Geoană, Deputy Secretary General of NATO.

Geoana says that Romania has developed in some places, but does not keep pace with other European states.

“Although we have recovered the distance from the European average, thanks to the advance of the big cities, entire regions in Romania continue to be among the poorest in Europe, failing to keep up even with the economies and societies of the former communist states with which we are colleagues and friends, but with which we are also in competition”, said Mircea Geoană.

On the other hand, one thing that our country can be proud of is the country’s European and Euro-Atlantic course. That made us visible and important in the region.

“We have to go around a new energy, new economic ideas, a political innovation”, said Mircea Geoană.

The deputy general secretary of NATO, Mircea Geoană, is rated in the INSCOP polls as the favorite if he entered the electoral race for the position of president of Romania.

The mandate from the North Atlantic Alliance expires in September 2024 and cannot be renewed.

The article is in Romanian


Tags: Entire regions Romania continue among poorest Europe
