New hallucinatory statements by the judge from the May 2 case. Roberta’s mother: She asked me if I went to the funeral

New hallucinatory statements by the judge from the May 2 case. Roberta’s mother: She asked me if I went to the funeral
New hallucinatory statements by the judge from the May 2 case. Roberta’s mother: She asked me if I went to the funeral


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Livia Dragomir – Roberta’s mother: He asked me if I went to the funeral. I was surprised, you know, to ask such a question to a parent who is burying his child. I think it’s outrageous. One was declared and another was recorded, something else was summarized by the prosecutor. The same impression I had last time. He twisted our words, he didn’t understand at first what we were declaring or what our lawyers were asking. I am surprised that the prosecutor told him to come to the courtroom, we are waiting to see him next time. This is the first time we see him, probably the last time we see him. It won’t do us justice, but we’ll probably move on after the sentencing here in this court.

Valentin Olariu – Sebastian’s father: I’m very… you know I’m very… I’m at a loss for words. We do not sell our children, first of all, and we do not want money for Vlad Pascu to receive a lesser sentence, we just want justice to be done and Vlad Pascu to receive the punishment he deserves. We expect that in two weeks I will look Mr. Vlad Pascu in the eye and say if he sees our pain and if he realizes what he has done.

The trial received another postponement, and the next court date will be on May 23.

Lawyer: At the last term, we will have Vlad Pascu in the courtroom

The lawyer Adrian Cuculis, the defender of one of the families of the victims of the May 2 accident, told the journalists when leaving the Mangalia Court that at the next term, which will be the last of the trial, Pascu will be brought to the courtroom. Cuculis stated that even at the Thursday court term “there were many blunders in the courtroom”. “The judge asked if these children were going to the point where they were injured, as if that point was, I don’t know, a place of fun or… No, it was simply on the county road, in front of a military base and that’s all. Of course, the question of whether Roberta’s family showed up at her funeral was downright ridiculous, but going over all these elements, there were dozens of questions asked”, said the lawyer, quoted by

“It’s a step forward, I think all you did in the first place, and I think the families thank you for this, is to bring to the public every time what happened, and I think from the first contact with this court court and until almost the last contact, it was a path that somehow changed the fate of the file in the end. It seems to me that we should start with the end of the process. At the last term of court, even this time the last term of court, we will have Vlad Pascu in the courtroom, as it would have been normal from the very beginning”, said Adrian Cuculis.

He also spoke about the mistakes made in the courtroom.
“There were certainly many blunders, including in today’s meeting. The judge asked if these children were going to the point where they were injured, as if that point was, I don’t know, a place of fun or… No, it was simply on the county road, in front of a military base and that’s all all. Of course, the question of whether Roberta’s family showed up at her funeral was downright ridiculous, but going over all these elements, there were dozens of questions asked. I believe that things have been fully proven regarding… what these two families have gone through and what they are going through now and will go through in the future, but also the other three victims who were injured and none of them will the whole life came back 100%, let’s say regarding the leg, the hand, the physical activity that they could do until that moment”, the lawyer said.

He believes that Vlad Pascu will receive a sentence of over ten years in prison.
“And I think that at the next term, with Vlad Pascu in the room, at least this is my intimate opinion, if there had not been the Anastasia law, another case from three years ago, which changed the legislation in Romania, Vlad Pascu, and I say this bluntly, could, according to mathematical calculations, leave with a suspension following what he produced. Of course we will ask for the maximum prison sentence from what has been obtained so far, that is, manslaughter, bodily harm, fleeing the scene of the accident and, of course, driving under the influence of four or five prohibited substances in the blood. By our calculations, theoretically, the minimum prison he could, or the minimum sentence, if convicted, should be somewhere over 10 years. I did some mathematical calculations, I was ready to draw conclusions today, we’ll see at the next term exactly what will happen. Anyway, there are rumors again in the courtroom, some things we least expected to hear or hear again, because they are exactly part of the same register. Even Roberta’s mother said, “Once again it can be seen that this file is not known” and I said it in nice terms”, Adrian Cuculis also declared.

The parents of the victims of the accident caused by Vlad Pascu were dissatisfied with the attitude of judge Ioana Ancuța Popoviciu in the courtroom from the beginning of the trial. Thus, they told the journalists that when she entered the hall she would have been chewing gum. Later, the judge asked for the bulletin of the young man who died in the road accident that she did not know had died.

The Superior Council of the Magistracy decided that it is not necessary to suspend judge Ioana Ancuța Popoviciu until the completion of the disciplinary procedures, as requested by the Judicial Inspection. The judicial inspectors assessed that the continued exercise of the function by the judge could affect the impartial conduct of the disciplinary procedures and would be likely to seriously damage the prestige of the judiciary.
Also, the lawyers of the families of the victims of the May 2 accident requested a few weeks ago the recusal of judge Ioana Ancuţa Popoviciu, and their request was rejected.
On August 19, 2023, Vlad Pascu drove a car on DN 39, and around 5:25 a.m., near May 2, he entered a group of pedestrians. As a result of the impact, two young people lost their lives and three others were injured.

Vlad Pascu fled the scene of the accident and was later found by the police in Vama Veche. The investigators determined that he was under the influence of several prohibited substances, including cocaine, amphetamine and methamphetamine.

Vlad Pascu was sent to court, in October, for culpable homicide, culpable bodily injury, leaving the scene of the accident and driving a vehicle under the influence of psychoactive substances.

Publisher: AP

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