Episcopal service at the “St. Athanasius Patelarie” Church (PHOTO)

Episcopal service at the “St. Athanasius Patelarie” Church (PHOTO)
Episcopal service at the “St. Athanasius Patelarie” Church (PHOTO)

On May 2, every year, the Orthodox Church commemorates the Holy Hierarch Athanasius, originally from the Island of Crete, Metropolitan of Thessaloniki and then Patriarch of Constantinople, shepherd of the believers from the Lower Danube in the middle of the 17th century.

In the municipality of Galati, two churches have this Saint Hierarch as their patron: the Church “St. Nicolae and Sf. Atanasie Patelarie” in the center of the municipality and the wooden Church “Sf. Atanasie Patelarie” from the Micro 17 neighborhood.

Since Saint Athanasius III of Constantinople passed into eternity on April 5, 1654, on the third day of Holy Easter, His Eminence Father Archbishop Cassian wanted to be present, on the third day of Easter, at the wooden church dedicated to the Saint Hierarch Atanasie Patelarie, from the Micro 17 neighborhood, where, together with a council of priests and deacons, officiated the Holy Liturgy, in the presence of many believers, we learn from father Rareş Bucur.

Every year, many believers come to the celebration of this Galatian church, beautifully arranged in an area with a lot of vegetation in a working-class neighborhood of the city, to pray to this saint, receive words of instruction from the local hierarch and he worships the icon that houses a piece of the relics of this saint, specially brought from the sacred heritage of the Archbishop’s Residence.

Among the believers present were numerous children, who, at the appropriate liturgical moment, were shared with the Holy Mysteries.

In the homily delivered on this occasion, Father Archbishop interpreted the evangelical passage from Saint Luke, chapter 24, verses 12-35, which reminded us of the wonderful appearance of our Savior Jesus Christ after His glorious resurrection from the dead, to the two disciples , Luke and Cleopa, are traveling to the town of Emmaus.

Also, His Eminence spoke to the faithful about the life of the Saint celebrated today, highlighting the period in which this worthy hierarch shepherded the Christians in the Lower Danube area.

After the Holy Liturgy, the faithful passed by the reliquary with the holy relics to worship and kiss the holy scents with great faith and piety.

The event ended with the offering of icons, magazines with religious content and packages of traditional food to children, believers present at the service and needy families found in the parish’s special records.


Between the years 1642-1653, Saint Athanasius lived and served at the “Saint Nicholas” Monastery in the city of Galaţi, during the reign of Vasile Lupu and Saint Metropolitan Varlaam of Moldova.

He fell asleep in the Lord in 1654, in Ukraine, his holy relics being preserved whole, placed on the bishop’s throne, in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Kharkiv.

On May 2-3, 2009, in the presence of His Beatitude Father Patriarch Daniel and the members of the Holy Synod, impressive liturgical and missionary events took place in Galaţi dedicated to the proclamation of the honor and introduction into the cult of our Church of Saint Hierarch Athanasius. This sacred act was a confirmation of the piety and honor that the servants and believers of the Lower Danube have today towards the one who shepherded these lands over 350 years ago.

The moment of the passage in the calendar of Saint Athanasius III, Patriarch of Constantinople, from May 1-3, 2009was accompanied by the re-consecration of the “Saint Nicholas” Church in Galaţi, located on the foundation of the former monastery where Saint Athanasius lived, as well as the consecration of the wooden church, dedicated to this saint, in the municipality of Galaţi.

Last year, on the day of honoring Saint Athanasius the Patler, the chiriarch of the Lower Danube consecrated the painting of this beautiful place of worship built of wood.

Saint Athanasius represents a living icon of holiness, which unites the Greek, Romanian and Slavic Orthodox believers in a spirit of prayer and communion, who honor him as a confessor and living father of the right faith.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Episcopal service Athanasius Patelarie Church PHOTO
