Two companies from Olt fined, in April, 80,000 lei for illegal work

Two companies from Olt fined, in April, 80,000 lei for illegal work
Two companies from Olt fined, in April, 80,000 lei for illegal work

Unannounced inspections by ITM Olt inspectors reveal, month after month, the same non-conformities regarding labor legislation. Four people, who worked at two companies in Olt, were found not to have employment contracts. The companies from Optaşi and Plesoiu were fined 80,000 lei.

Labor inspectors from the Olt Territorial Labor Inspectorate carried out, in April, 231 specific controls, both in the field of labor relations and in the field of safety and health at work.

The areas of activity verified from the point of view of compliance with specific legislation were: construction, retail trade, road transport of goods and people, and agriculture.

Following the checks carried out, more than 308 deficiencies were identified for which remedial measures were ordered, the most frequent being:

• non-payment of salary rights on the date specified in the individual contract

• the work;

• failure to grant weekly rest and rest leave;

• failure to submit on time, in the General Register of Employees, individual employment contracts and their amendments;

• failure to conclude individual employment contracts in written form;

• failure to grant and verify the use of individual protective equipment;

• failure to carry out periodic medical check-ups,

For the most serious, 126 sanctions were applied, of which 115 warnings and 11 fines totaling 122,500 lei.

Also, in April 2024, labor inspectors identified four people who were carrying out undeclared work (1 person at an employer in the municipality of Bucharest, work point in the Optaşi locality – trade; 3 people at an employer in the Pleşoiu locality – construction). The two employers who used them were fined 80,000 lei.

The article is in Romanian


Tags: companies Olt fined April lei illegal work
