(VIDEO) Arges. Scandal in the family! An argument with his nephew brought the end of a 70-year-old man


A large family from Argeș county is sitting on a powder keg after a man died, and the alleged culprit of the death is his grandson. The police classified the act as fatal blows, but part of the family says it was murder. From here, a whole scandal.

People say that a 70-year-old man went to his relatives, in Coșești commune, where he was killed by his nephew following a spontaneous conflict.

The misfortune befell the family just before Easter, on Maundy Thursday. The 22-year-old got into an argument with his uncle, who was much older. The nephew allegedly slammed the uncle’s head into a log and his throat was slit, and the man died.

Falling to the ground, the man could not recover and fell into unconsciousness. Several medical crews were requested at the scene of the conflict. The rescuers tried to revive him, but unfortunately nothing could be done for the old man.

The scandal was on a street in Coșești and several people were present, but now no one recognizes that they were there.

The parents of the boy considered guilty make a scandal and say that their son is not at fault, that the old man had tripped.

Many people were heard in this case. The police put all the evidence together and determined that it was a case of blows causing death and not murder, that’s why they didn’t even arrest the young man.

Photo: video capture

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Daniela Neacșa” class=”wp-image-81564″/>

Graduate of the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences, passionate about photography and handmade.

The article is in Romanian


Tags: VIDEO Arges Scandal family argument nephew brought #70yearold man
