New charges. Deputy from Gorj: DRDP Craiova keeps this road blocked “by political order”

New charges. Deputy from Gorj: DRDP Craiova keeps this road blocked “by political order”
New charges. Deputy from Gorj: DRDP Craiova keeps this road blocked “by political order”

Radu Miruță comes with new accusations after the Regional Directorate of Roads and Bridges posted, on Wednesday, a video from Transalpina to demonstrate that it cannot be reopened to traffic.

The deputy accuses that the images are older. The parliamentarian states that DRDP Craiova keeps the highest road in Romania blocked “by political order”.

Radu Miruță claims that the political order for traffic to remain closed on Transalpina was given by politicians from Gorj.

“Political ambition, and stupidity, with incompetence and laziness at the same time. While there is no more snow on the Transalpina and if we have arrived in Gorj county to compare a reality that absolutely anyone can see with information that covers incompetence and laziness and holds political ambition, it means that this county still has a long way to go to come to light. While there is no more snow on the Transalpina and DRPD Craiova, by political order, keeps this road still blocked with each passing day, making a laughing stock, look at the images publicly exhibited by DRPD Brașov with Transfăgărășanul, where, at Bâlea Lac, there is a lot of snow, the entire road is covered, it is over a meter and a half long, and work is being done under continuous fire to open the Transfăgărășan. In fact, Transalpina is not open because, probably, it will not be open before the Transfăgărășan, because for the Transfăgărășan there is someone to fight politically in Brașov and Sibiu, for Transalpina our PSD-PNL politicians are sitting with their heads buried in their shoulders and waiting for orders from in Bucharest, executes orders.

If they are told not to open, they don’t open. The story is not only about ambition between Weber, Iordache and those in your gang, it is about Gorj county. In all ways, Gorj county is the one at a disadvantage, no eyebrows are raised for Gorj county, Gorj county is not defended. We have a road that is now one and a half lanes from one end to the other, with snow that you can almost shovel. If I give the lodgers of Rânca the go-ahead, they will clear it with a shovel. Those machines from DRPD Craiova don’t know what they would expect, not to use the blade, to melt from the sun, they would want to take money from the state. If money were taken from the state in Gorj County, these politicians would be the richest, without asking them about anything for years,” concluded the parliamentarian.

The article is in Romanian


Tags: charges Deputy Gorj DRDP Craiova road blocked political order
