Eight candidates for the position of president of the Prahova County Council. Among them, the current holder of the position, indicted for corruption, two parliamentarians and a former prefect

Eight candidates for the position of president of the Prahova County Council. Among them, the current holder of the position, indicted for corruption, two parliamentarians and a former prefect
Eight candidates for the position of president of the Prahova County Council. Among them, the current holder of the position, indicted for corruption, two parliamentarians and a former prefect

Eight political formations have candidates for the position of president of the Prahova County Council. Among them is the current president of the County Council, Iulian Dumitrescu, whom the DNA indicted for corruption, having suspended the right to hold office. Among the candidates are the former prefect of the county, Virgiliu Nanu, as well as two parliamentarians.

According to the lists published by the Electoral Office of Circumscription no. 31 Prahova, eight people are running for the presidency of the Prahova County Council.

The first on the list published by the Prahova County Electoral Office is Iulian Dumitrescu, president of PNL Prahova, economist by profession. According to the list published on the website of the Prahova Prefecture, Dumitrescu’s occupation is that of president of the Prahova County Council. Iulian Dumitrescu does not have the right to exercise this function, after being placed under judicial control by the DNA, with the prohibition to exercise the duties of president of the CJ. The politician contested in court the prohibitions imposed by the measure of judicial control, but the court upheld the decision of the anti-corruption prosecutors.

The second on the list published by BEJ Prahova is military pensioner Gabriel Mihail Musoroaia, from the Romania in Action party. The political formation, named in the 2020 elections Prahova in Action, was founded by a former deputy, Mihai Apostolache, university professor at the University of Ploiesti. The party succeeded in crossing the electoral threshold in the local elections four years ago and is rated with chances to repeat the performance in this year’s elections as well.

The third candidate for the head of CJ Prahova is the engineer Virgiliu Daniel Nanu, from the PSD. Until recently, Nanu, who is the president of PSD Prahova, was prefect of the county, a position from which he resigned to run.

On behalf of the National Peasant Alliance, Adrian Petrache, a lawyer by profession, is running.

AUR deputy Adrian Axinia, a construction engineer by profession, is also running for the head of the Prahova County Council.

The second parliamentarian aiming for this position is George Ionescu, the president of Forţa Dreptei Prahova, supported by the United Right Alliance. Ionescu was one of the local leaders of the PDL, he was a businessman and is close to Ludovic Orban.

Another local formation, Mişcarea Noi, Ploieştenii, proposes Mihai Cristian Neagu, engineer, IT coordinator, as a candidate for the presidency of the Prahova County Council. It also enjoys the support of REPER. Mişcarea Noi, Ploieştenii is a formation founded by independent deputy Mihai Polițeanu, former president of USR.

The eighth formation that has a candidate for the presidency of CJ Prahova is the SOS Romania party, which proposes Gheorghe Năsulea, an entrepreneur.

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Tags: candidates position president Prahova County Council Among current holder position indicted corruption parliamentarians prefect
