ITM Prahova checked the car services in the county

ITM Prahova checked the car services in the county
ITM Prahova checked the car services in the county

The Prahova Territorial Labor Inspectorate has carried out the National Campaign to verify the way in which the legal provisions regarding the conclusion and execution of individual employment contracts are respected, as well as the legal provisions regarding the minimum requirements for safety and health at work by employers operating in the field of “Maintenance and motor vehicle repair” – CAEN code 452.

The objectives of the campaign were:

– reducing the negative social and economic consequences that derive from non-compliance with the legal provisions by employers in the mentioned field.

– the elimination of non-conformities found by ordering mandatory measures to remedy the non-conformities and applying the corresponding contraventional sanctions.

– increasing the level of awareness of employers and workers regarding the need to comply with legal provisions in the fields of labor relations and occupational safety.

Labor inspectors from the Labor Relations department checked a number of 33 economic agents and found a series of deficiencies for which they issued warnings and ordered measures to remedy them:

  • Non-compliance with the legal provisions regarding the granting of weekly rest;
  • Completing the General Register of Employees in Electronic Format with erroneous data;
  • Transmission of the individual employment contract in the General Register of Employees, for which there is proof of its execution, after the start of the activity.

At the same time, labor inspectors from the Occupational Safety and Health department checked a number of 35 economic agents, they imposed 9 fines in the amount of 55,000 lei and ordered 78 measures with firm deadlines to remedy the following deficiencies found:

  • Incomplete ssm signaling: fire extinguishers, sockets and electrical supply panels;
  • Roadways, as well as roads and emergency exits obstructed, on which tires were stacked;
  • Elevators and air containers without ISCIR technical verification.

“From the analysis of previous situations, reported from the field by the territorial labor inspectorates, this sector of activity, the maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, along with construction, the manufacture of bakery products and flour products, wholesale and retail trade, security, services , are among the fields of activity that present a high turnover of staff and, implicitly, a higher incidence of non-working workinstallments or underdeclared. The results of this campaign are gratifying, as we found a considerable decrease in cases of undeclared work, which justifies us to believe that more and more employers and employees are aware of the risks deriving from the use or practice of undeclared work. Another aspect that we have taken into account concerns the fact that workers in this sector of activity are exposed to a number of risks of injury at work. Among the most important risks are those of: poisoning, electrocution and excessive physical exertion. As a result of controls in the field, spaces with insufficient ventilation, electrical or other improvisations with work equipment, long periods of time in which employees are standing, the use of pressurized containers, the improper handling of chemical substances, but also the improper handling of vehicles in the premises of the laundries. From the controls carried out in previous campaigns at the units in this field of activity, it was found that not all employers comply with the legal provisions regarding health and safety at work“, said Mihai Nicolae Ucă, deputy general state inspector in the field of safety and health at work.

The Ploiesti newspaper

The article is in Romanian


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