Carmen Iohannis, Received By Joe Biden’s Wife. Jill: I will not forget how you and the Romanian people received Re

Carmen Iohannis, Received By Joe Biden’s Wife. Jill: I will not forget how you and the Romanian people received Re
Carmen Iohannis, Received By Joe Biden’s Wife. Jill: I will not forget how you and the Romanian people received Re

The meeting in Washington took place in the context of the three-day official visit that Klaus Iohannis made to the US, where he met with US President Joe Biden.

“Carmen, it was wonderful to have you at the White House after you kindly welcomed me to Romania two years ago. I will never forget when I saw how you and the Romanian people opened your arms to the refugees fleeing from Ukraine. It was and still is truly inspirational,” Jill Biden said in a Facebook post.

Two photos were posted on the social network of the First Lady, one from the current visit and the other from two years ago.

In May 2022, the US First Lady spent two days in Romania. She arrived on May 6, at the Mihail Kogălniceanu Air Base, where she met with the American and NATO soldiers and dined with the American soldiers. On the second day, on May 7, he met in Cotroceni with Klaus Iohannis and Carmen Iohannis, then he went to the US Embassy in Bucharest, after which he went with Carmen Iohannis to the Uruguay Secondary School, which hosted Ukrainian refugee students.

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Tags: Carmen Iohannis Received Joe Bidens Wife Jill forget Romanian people received
