The effects of the wind code orange in Prahova. Downed trees, villages without electricity and interrupted traffic on the railway

The effects of the wind code orange in Prahova. Downed trees, villages without electricity and interrupted traffic on the railway
The effects of the wind code orange in Prahova. Downed trees, villages without electricity and interrupted traffic on the railway

Prahova is under an orange code for strong winds until 18:00 on Tuesday. The special weather conditions did not leave their mark in Prahova. Several trees were blown down by the wind, and nine localities were left without electricity. Train traffic on the Ploiești-Buzău route was stopped due to a fire that broke out after a tree fell on the power lines.

The National Meteorological Administration issued, on Tuesday, a code orange warning, a warning valid today, until 18.00, also in Prahova.

Details here: Code orange for strong wind in Prahova. Warning of meteorologists

The strong wind recorded in Prahova did not remain without consequences. Road traffic in Ploiești, on Bulevardul Independţei, was restricted after a chestnut tree was broken by the wind.

Read also: A chestnut tree collapsed on the Boulevard of Independence in Ploiesti [FOTO]

Also in Prahova, train traffic on the Ploiești – Buzău route was stopped due to a fire that broke out after a tree fell on the power lines.

Read also: Train traffic on the Ploiesti-Buzau route, stopped due to a fire

Due to the strong wind, nine localities in the county were left without electricity, affecting more than 5,000 consumers.

Read also: List of localities in Prahova without electricity due to strong winds. Over 5,000 consumers affected

Also due to the strong wind, several trees broke and the intervention of the fire department was necessary to clear the roads.

Read also: Several trees were felled by the strong wind in Prahova. The county is under code orange

The National Meteorological Administration announced that the orange code warning is valid until 18.00 on Tuesday.

Several readers sent us images from Ploiesti and other areas, with the effects of the storm.

Details here: The strong wind knocked down a sign from the suspended roundabout in Păulești and dozens of trees in Ploiești

At Azuga, the wind blew at over 100 km/h, with the force of a hurricane. Several blocks were left without roofs, the pieces of sheet metal damaging the cars parked in their area.

PHOTO and VIDEO here: Blocks left without roofs and cars destroyed, in Azuga, due to the storm


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