The Kremlin accuses Maia Sandu of Nazism, on the same narrative used by Russia to invade Ukraine

The Kremlin accuses Maia Sandu of Nazism, on the same narrative used by Russia to invade Ukraine
The Kremlin accuses Maia Sandu of Nazism, on the same narrative used by Russia to invade Ukraine

The date of publishing:

05/09/2024 15:13

The dictator from the Kremlin claims that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was determined by the desire to “denazify” the country led by Zelenski. Photo: Profimedia Images

The policy of the president of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, is comparable to the experiments of the Third Reich in terms of people’s nationality and language, said the spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zaharova, in an interview with the TASS state agency , in which he makes comparisons with Nazism, a propaganda narrative also used in the case of the invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

“As for Sandu, you know, I think it’s comparable to the experiments of the Third Reich. Only then and there did they experiment with people’s nationality, with their language,” said Zaharova.

The Russian MFA spokeswoman recalled that documentary literature and history describe “how the Third Reich forced newspaper workers to use a different font.”

“The font of the newspapers had to correspond precisely to this idea of ​​Aryans – pure-blood Aryans, what they invented there: the shape of the nose, the ears, the shape of the skull, the forehead, the location of the eyes and so on. A clear categorization of people. Of course, eugenics, which then gained momentum,” Zaharova emphasized. Drawing a parallel with the politics of the Third Reich, the spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry escalated and pointed out that, similarly, Maia Sandu “rewrote people literally, without asking them, again after a template – he placed and circled the features that were needed, the rest were cut, painted and thrown away”.

Maia Sandu, TASS mentions, approved a parliamentary decision on changing the name of the state language from Moldovan to Romanian in 2023.

“In a second, the Moldovan language, with a stroke of the Sandu government’s pen, turned into the Romanian language. And what is this but elements of genocide against an entire people?”. – she commented. Zaharova claims that the first question she asks when she meets Moldovan citizens is about the language they speak: “Tell me, what language do you speak?”. “They answer: of course, in the Moldovan language. From a historical point of view, the Moldovan language is older than the Romanian language,” said Zaharova, one of the main voices of Russian propaganda, repeating a thesis – wrong – that she had supported and last year.

Maia Sandu is, according to Maria Zaharova, “a transmitter of the same Nazi ideas, ideologies, philosophical visions, which are paid for by the West”. “I think this is comparable either to the policy of the Third Reich or to the way the colonizers left Africa, drawing the borders of countries with just a ruler on the map, making people suffer, that is, deliberately condemning people to future bloody conflicts, having such an opportunity at that time”, concluded Zaharova, quoted by

The propaganda thesis of Nazism was used by Moscow to justify its invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Moscow frequently accuses President Volodymyr Zelensky of Nazism, even though he has Jewish origins.

In the press briefing held on Wednesday, Maria Zaharova had, as she does periodically, even weekly lately, an extensive comment about the “situation in the Republic of Moldova”, in which she condemned, using similar terms, the fact that Chisinau celebrates May 9 Europe day.

Publisher: AVD

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The article is in Romanian

Tags: Kremlin accuses Maia Sandu Nazism narrative Russia invade Ukraine
