A new blunder “brand Ciolacu”

A new blunder “brand Ciolacu”
A new blunder “brand Ciolacu”

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu made a blunder, on Wednesday, in Buzău, when he was asked if Romania would negotiate or ask to have the position of European Commissioner for Defense, saying “portfolio” instead of “portfolio”.

“Romania has started to negotiate, as is normal. According to a decision of the Court, you know very well that the Prime Minister does not represent Romania in the Council. The President of Romania. I started, as is normal, these negotiations and discussions within the European family of which we are a part, together with my colleague Victor Negrescu and the other MEP colleagues. We are in the middle of negotiations, because these negotiations are done ahead of time. The person who will be in charge is also very important, to go on a very important ‘wallet'”, stated Ciolacu.

Asked if NATO Deputy Secretary Mircea Geoană could be an option considered for the position of European Defense Commissioner, Ciolacu said: “No, it didn’t cross my mind.”

“Now that you told me and asked me, I was really wondering what the Voronet Monastery with the Risen Christ would look like, without the NATO logo, only with the logo of the Commission”, added Ciolacu, smiling.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: blunder brand Ciolacu
