Young man found dead in the apartment where he illegally grew vipers – GorjOnline

Young man found dead in the apartment where he illegally grew vipers – GorjOnline
Young man found dead in the apartment where he illegally grew vipers – GorjOnline

It is a large-scale investigation after the death of a 36-year-old man from Drobeta-Turnu Severin. He was found dead in the apartment where he owned an illegal snake farm.

The authorities in Mehedinți are conducting an extensive investigation after the death of a 36-year-old man from Drobeta-Turnu Severin.

He was found dead in the apartment where he owned an illegal snake farm. Investigators found three horned vipers, a python, and three other reptiles there.

In this case, the police opened a criminal case for manslaughter, and the lifeless body of the man was transported to the Forensic Medicine Service for the necropsy.

At this time, the results of pathological and toxicological tests are awaited to determine whether the young man died from the snake bites.

On his body, several marks were found as if he had been bitten by reptiles, but until now, it is not known whether these are reptile bites or not.

Incidentally, the investigators found no traces of poison at the scene.

Following the incident, the reptiles were placed in special boxes, and today, they are to be picked up by the authorities. Mixed teams of police, biologists and Environmental Guard specialists will go to the young man’s home to pick up the reptiles.

Sources from the acheta say that, over time, the reptiles would have escaped, repeatedly, on the stairs, the young man living in an apartment located on the 7th floor of a block in Drobeta Turnu Severin. He had the viper farm illegally, as he did not have any kind of authorization.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Young man dead apartment illegally grew vipers GorjOnline
