Accident at Coloana. Two cars involved! Update

Accident at Coloana. Two cars involved! Update
Accident at Coloana. Two cars involved! Update

Update: During today, May 9, 2024, police officers from the Târgu Jiu Municipality Police were alerted by calling 112 regarding the occurrence of an accident on Calea București. From the first checks carried out by the police officers who arrived at the scene, it emerged that a 37-year-old man from Târgu Jiu, while driving a car on Grigore Iulian street in the locality, at the intersection with Calea Bucharest street, performed the left turn maneuver, colliding with another car, driven by a 63-year-old man from Albeni, who was driving legally. As a result of the accident, a passenger from the second car was injured, who was transported to the hospital in order to receive specialized medical care. The drivers had valid driving licenses and were not under the influence of alcohol. In the case, the police have drawn up a criminal investigation file under the aspect of committing the crime of culpable bodily harm. In the future, the police officers carry out checks in order to accurately establish all the causes and circumstances of the accident”, reports IPJ Gorj.

Initial news: A traffic incident took place, a few moments ago, at the traffic light near the Endless Column Park in Târgu Jiu.

Two cars are involved. The police went to the scene.

The news is being updated.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Accident Coloana cars involved Update
