The virus that triggers the “kissing disease”, identified in a laboratory in Iasi – Ziarul de Iasi

The virus that triggers the “kissing disease”, identified in a laboratory in Iasi – Ziarul de Iasi
The virus that triggers the “kissing disease”, identified in a laboratory in Iasi – Ziarul de Iasi

The only medical analysis laboratory in the country where, through a new diagnostic method, the status of infection with the Epstein-Barr herpes virus, which causes the so-called “kissing disease” is established, is in Iasi. Infectious mononucleosis or kissing disease is caused by the Epstein-Barr herpes virus, which is a member of the Herpetoviridae family. The analysis is carried out at Praxis laboratories.

An infected human is the source of infection, which spreads mainly through airborne transmission or direct contact. The incubation period is 1-2 months, most infections (up to 90%) occur during childhood.

The symptoms of EBV infection are influenced by the age of the patient and the state of the immune system. Epstein-Barr remains latent in the body for the rest of the individual’s life and can be reactivated due to low immunity or severe stress.

Clinical symptoms in the primary infection can be like an inapparent infection or a non-specific febrile illness or a complex of infectious mononucleosis (pharyngitis, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, fever).

In chronic latent infection, an asymptomatic salivary excretion of the virus occurs. Reactivation is generally asymptomatic, but in people with immunodeficiency it can manifest with malignant lymphoproliferative disorders, leukoplakia of the tongue, lymphoid pneumonia, etc. In certain geographical areas this virus is the cause of Burkitt’s lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

How to detect and diagnose

The diagnosis of the disease is based on the clinical picture and laboratory tests. In general, there are no specific tests for Epstein-Barr in Iasi, but there is a laboratory where the virus is identified.

Read the full edition of Health Gazette no. 5

“There is a new, innovative method with immediate insight into the infection status, the Multiblot Array multiplexing, a unique panel of tests for each fraction of antibodies, IgM, IgA, IgG that capture with high sensitivity and specificity, 12 specific antibodies for antigens Epstein-Barr virus. By doing this type of tests, simultaneously, it is possible to identify the primary, latent infection or the reactivation, thus allowing the staging of the disease. Why do we need staging? To differentiate between other types of infection and Epstein-Barr infection. The latency of the virus in the body over time is associated with malignant diseases, lymphomas, nasopharyngeal carcinoma. That’s why it’s important to identify the presence of antibodies and follow the possible reactivation”, said Cristina Hristodorescu, Praxis Laboratories manager.

Treatment of mononucleosis is all about improving the symptoms. For this reason, rest, avoidance of sports activities and an increased consumption of liquids are recommended.

Cristina Hristodorescu, Praxis Laboratories manager

Cristina Hristodorescu, Praxis Laboratories manager

The article is in Romanian

Tags: virus triggers kissing disease identified laboratory Iasi Ziarul Iasi


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