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New power outages in the city on Wednesday

Distributie Energie Electrică Romania – Galați Branch continues the works on the electricity networks in the municipality. On Wednesday, April 24, new power outages are announced, lasting up to four hours, which will affect several consumers in the central area of ​​Galatiu, but not only. Outages are announced from 8.00 or 11.00, depending on the area.

Therefore, on Wednesday, there will be interruptions to consumers on Nicolae Bălcescu streets (between the University and Albatros block, blocks A3-A4, Aquarello restaurant, “Simion Mehedinți” School), Mayor Iancu Fotea (A1-A2, B1-B2, APCA Association , Grădinita No. 32), Ariesului (Grădinita No. 7, TV Galați), Dr. Nicolae Alexandrescu (between Rizer and Vultur, bl. A4, B4A, B4B, B5, C1, C2, C2A, C2B from Central Square).

In other areas of the city, consumers on Piața Rizer (La doi paşi), Stelei (Tedi Kindergarten, Ludovic Cosma School), Rizer (between Bucovini and Anul Revolution), Anul Revolution 1848 (between Războieni and Rizer) streets will be temporarily affected. , Poșta Veche (between Stelei and Dorobanti), București Noi (RTV Media, restaurant Grădinița, Milenium), George Coșbuc (Laundry Berin, Code School Club, Asim Trading, Pietricica, Kamina, Gama Pal), Mihail Kogălniceanu (Bulrom Gas), Mihai Eminescu (between Coșbuc and București Noi), Crizantemelor (Colibri 3, Cămin Ghedin), Radu Negru (ACR ITP, Cortefino), Războieni (between Lozoveni and Cezar), Traian (area between Dochiei and Cezar, Local Police), Dochiei ( between Lozoveni and Caesar), Lozoveni (between Dochiei and Caesar), Alexandru cel Good (between Radu Negru and Meseriașilor), Meseriașilor, Radu Negru (between Rázboieni and Domnească).

Last but not least, there will be interruptions of up to four hours on Milcov (Supeco), Ștefan cel Mare (Combavipor) and Arcaşilor (Aleea Regală) streets.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: power outages city Wednesday

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