The government intends to introduce the European minimum wage in Romania this year

The government intends to introduce the European minimum wage in Romania this year
The government intends to introduce the European minimum wage in Romania this year


“Radiojurnal” – Producer: Cristian Bâcâin – The government intends to introduce the European minimum wage in Romania this year, a measure intended to preserve the workforce in the country. A project in this sense, which would transpose a European directive into national legislation, is being worked on by the Ministry of Labour. Several calculation formulas are under discussion, but to begin with, the minimum gross salary would increase from July 1st from 3,300 to 3,700 lei. We have details from Tuesday’s government meeting in the report signed by RRA correspondent Petruța Obrejan.
Reporter: The Minister of Labour, Simona Bucura-Oprescu, must prepare in time and put in public transparency, immediately after the Easter holidays, the draft law on the adoption of the European minimum wage; in other words, the minimum amount employers will pay employees. Recently, the labor minister said that various formulas are being analyzed, the indicators taken into account being productivity, inflation and the correlation with the average wage level. With the establishment of this mechanism, the minimum wage will no longer be set only through negotiation, but there will be a formula that will be used annually, which will ensure predictability for both the employer and the employee. The European directive on the minimum wage per economy must be implemented by November 15, and the European Union aims to establish an international level of the minimum wage, given that it differs significantly between the countries of the European Union.
Marcel Ciolacu, Prime Minister of Romania: I am asking Minister Bucura-Oprescu that immediately after the Easter holidays we put this normative act in public transparency, so that there is a clear calendar for dialogue with the business environment and unions.
Reporter: Several investment projects in transport and environmental infrastructure were adopted in the meeting, the spokesman of the executive, Mihai Constantin, stating that their value is in the total amount of 260 million lei and covers several regions of the country. /RADOR RADIO ROMANIA/abranescu/salar



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