Miracle herb for ovarian and breast cysts. Lygia Alexandrescu: It can be consumed in salad, juice or soup

Miracle herb for ovarian and breast cysts. Lygia Alexandrescu: It can be consumed in salad, juice or soup
Miracle herb for ovarian and breast cysts. Lygia Alexandrescu: It can be consumed in salad, juice or soup

Loboda is a plant from the Atriplex genus, which has over 250 species. Its unique ability to store salt in its leaves allows it to grow in highly saline environments. It is found mainly in Australia, North America, South America and Eurasia, in subtropical and temperate climates. It is resistant and rich in nutrients.

Some varieties have a spicy taste similar to that of sugar beets, while others are milder in taste and can be used in dishes similar to spinach. With an acidic taste, it was popular in the Mediterranean region in ancient times, but gained popularity due to its unique mineral, vitamin and organic compounds that are beneficial to human health.


Loboda is a green leafy vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, carotenes, protein, anthocyanins, zinc, selenium, tryptophan and dietary fiber. These nutrients can significantly improve human health, including improving digestion, kidney function, anticancer potential, and overall metabolism.

Loboda stimulates digestion by providing dietary fiber and minerals that optimize digestive processes, reducing the risk of constipation and gastric ulcers. It also has a mild laxative and diuretic effect, stimulating urination to purify the kidneys and improve gallbladder health. Loboda contains antioxidant compounds that can reduce the risk of cancer and neutralize free radicals that cause oxidative stress in the body’s organs and cells.

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“Loboda is recognized in three forms: red, yellow and green and can be consumed in salads, sautés, fresh juice or in soups. Rich in vitamins E and K, loboda is used internally as an adjuvant in the treatment of ovarian and breast cysts, in conditions dermatological, in bronchitis, asthma or in the form of poultices for abdominal pain”, explains Lygia ALexandrescu, nutritionist.

Loboda also supports metabolism by containing proteins, minerals and vitamins that help with hormonal regulation and enzyme reactions. According to OrganicFacts, high levels of iron and calcium stimulate red blood cell creation, circulation and oxygenation, promoting overall metabolic efficiency and overall health.

Loboda helps the immune system by having almost twice as much vitamin C as kiwi or lemons, which are often considered the top foods for quick acquisition of vitamin C. This high ascorbic acid content boosts the immune system, stimulates the production of white blood cells from the blood and accelerates bodily functions such as cell regeneration and wound healing. In addition, loboda can relieve jaundice.

A vegetable with similar levels of oxalic acid to spinach, it may be beneficial for those suffering from kidney stones, gallstones or gout due to its high oxalic acid content, suggesting alternative sources of nutritional benefits.

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The article is in Romanian

Tags: Miracle herb ovarian breast cysts Lygia Alexandrescu consumed salad juice soup


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