LIVE TEXT The war in Ukraine, day 807. A drone attack caused a fire at a refinery in the Kaluga region of Russia / The United States is preparing new aid packages for Kiev

LIVE TEXT The war in Ukraine, day 807. A drone attack caused a fire at a refinery in the Kaluga region of Russia / The United States is preparing new aid packages for Kiev
LIVE TEXT The war in Ukraine, day 807. A drone attack caused a fire at a refinery in the Kaluga region of Russia / The United States is preparing new aid packages for Kiev

Politico UPDATE: The US will announce a new military aid package of 400 million dollars for Ukraine

The United States is preparing to announce a $400 million military aid package for Ukraine on May 10, Politico reported, citing two anonymous US officials and obtaining a notification sent to Congress.

UPDATE Prime Minister Shmyhal: Ukraine allocates 179 million dollars to restore the energy system

The government has allocated over 7.1 billion Hr ($179.4) to restore the electricity network in Ukraine, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said on May 10.

UPDATE Official: Russia’s operations in the Kharkiv region resemble “simulation of a large-scale attack”

Russia’s recent operations in the Kharkiv region resemble a simulation of a large-scale attack using limited resources or forceful reconnaissance, a senior Ukrainian official said on May 10.

UPDATE Belgium will allocate almost 10 million dollars to restore the energy infrastructure in Ukraine

The additional funds will be directed to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), said the Belgian Minister of Development Cooperation, Caroline Gennez.

UPDATE Zelenski meets with Slovak President Caputova in Kiev

Zelensky thanked Caputova “for the determination and moral leadership she showed in the face of the large-scale Russian invasion, as well as for supporting the Peace Formula in Ukraine,” the presidential office said.

UPDATE Commander: “Critical phase” in the Russian war will take place in the next 2 months

The “critical phase” in Russia’s war against Ukraine will come in the next two months, said Oleksandr Pavliuk, commander of the Ukrainian ground forces, in an interview with The Economist, published on May 10.

UPDATE The press claims that Russia has captured 4 border villages in the Kharkiv region, the governor says that he has not lost ground

For his part, the governor of the Kharkiv region, Oleh Syniehubov, declared on national television, Oleh Syniehubov, that no territory was lost at this time. He stated that the settlements in the border areas are a “gray zone” and that active hostilities are taking place there.

UPDATE A Russian attack in the Sumy region killed a 64-year-old woman and injured her granddaughter

Russian forces carried out the attack against the settlement located more than 10 kilometers from the border around 7:10 local time. The artillery bombardment lasted almost an hour, targeting civilian infrastructure in the Shostka district, according to local authorities.

Russian forces attempted to break through Ukraine’s defense line in the Kharkiv region, the Ministry of Defense announced on May 10.

UPDATE Ukraine increases energy supply restrictions for businesses and industry amid energy shortages

Businesses and industry in Ukraine will face more restrictions regarding the use of energy due to a “significant shortage of electricity”, Ukrainian state energy operator Ukrenergo announced on May 10.

UPDATE Ukraine could recruit up to 20,000 convicts into the army, says the Minister of Justice

Ukraine could add up to 20,000 convicts to its forces, in a move that would also help reduce overcrowding in Ukrainian prisons, Justice Minister Denys Maliuska told BBC Ukraine in an interview published on May 10.

UPDATE State Department: More announcements regarding aid to Ukraine will be made in the next few weeks

The United States will make more announcements regarding military aid to Ukraine “over the next few weeks,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said on May 9.

UPDATE Russian attacks have killed 2 people and injured 13 in Ukraine in the last day

Russian attacks in Ukraine killed two people and wounded 13 in the last day, regional authorities announced on May 10.

UPDATE Russian forces attack the Sumy region 302 times in one day

Russian forces attacked the Sumy region 302 times in 60 separate attacks over the course of May 9, the Sumy Region Military Administration reported.

UPDATE Zelensky: Ukraine expects EU accession negotiations to begin in June

Ukraine expects to start accession negotiations with the European Union in June, President Volodymyr Zelensky said on May 9.

Bloomberg UPDATE: Russian tycoons are moving their assets home amid Western sanctions

Increasingly cut off from Western banking and financial services, Russia’s wealthiest individuals face a dilemma when it comes to passing on their fortunes to the next generation, according to Bloomberg. Most of the billionaires who were sanctioned chose to move their assets home, according to the news agency.

Bloomberg UPDATE: Pentagon blocks Russian military access to Starlink in Ukraine

The US Pentagon is preventing the Russian military from using Starlink Internet terminals operating on the battlefield in Ukraine, John Plumb, assistant secretary of defense for space policy at the US Department of Defense, said in an interview with Bloomberg on May 9.

UPDATE Zelenski and von der Leyen discuss EU accession and the peace summit

In a tweet on X, Ursula von der Leyen also confirmed that she will participate in the upcoming peace summit, which will take place on June 15 and 16 in Switzerland, writes The Kyiv Independent.

UPDATE Kiev claims that Russia has lost 479,710 soldiers in Ukraine since the beginning of the war

Russia has lost 479,710 soldiers in Ukraine since the start of the invasion, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported.

This number includes 980 casualties suffered by Russian forces in the last day.

According to the report, Russia also lost 7,434 tanks, 14,313 armored fighting vehicles, 16,691 vehicles and fuel tanks, 12,387 artillery systems, 1,062 multiple launch missile systems, 793 air defense systems, 349 planes, 325 helicopters, 9826 drones, 26 ships and boats and a submarine.

UPDATE A drone attack caused a fire at a refinery in Kaluga, Russia

A Ukrainian drone attack set fire to an oil refinery in the Russian Kaluga region, the state news agency RIA announced on Friday, citing sources from the emergency services.

Vladislav Shapsha, the governor of the Kaluga region, which borders the Moscow region, said on the Telegram messaging app that the fire had been extinguished.

RIA reported that three containers with diesel and one with fuel oil were consumed by fire at the Pervyi Zavod refinery in Kaluga.

Shapsha said there were no casualties in the attack.

There was no immediate comment from Kiev. Drone attacks on energy installations on Russian territory have become more frequent in recent months.

Ukraine has said that while its attacks do not target civilians, the destruction of Russia’s military, transportation and energy infrastructure undermines Moscow’s overall war effort.

UPDATE More announcements regarding aid to Ukraine will be made in the coming weeks

The United States will make more announcements regarding military aid to Ukraine “in the next few weeks,” said US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller.

After six months of political infighting and delays, the US recently approved a $61 billion military aid package for Kiev.

“What we can do as Ukraine’s partner is continue to support them militarily and continue to support their economy and, above all, do everything we can to help them reach a place where they can stand on their own two feet,” Miller told reporters.

“You’ve seen us implement a number of policies around this,” Miller said, adding that “there will be more announcements” in the coming weeks.

Also, Miller previously stated that the US is working on additional funding packages for Ukraine.

“I think you can expect to see us get back to the pace we were at before this funding cut,” Miller told reporters.

During the six-month funding freeze, Ukraine lost the key city of Avdiivka in February. Since then, Russia has continued its advance on Chasiv Yar in the Donetsk region, a city that could pave the way for further advances in the region.

Russian attack on the city of Kharkiv

A Russian attack on the city of Kharkiv damaged houses in a residential area and caused a fire, announced the mayor of the city of Kharkiv, Ihor Terezhov, on Telegram. One person was injured.

The attack took place around 3.30 local time.

The intervention teams are on the spot.

As a result of the attack, one person was injured, according to Kyiv Independent.

Five explosions were heard in the Kharkiv region during the night.

Russia has recently stepped up attacks against the city of Kharkiv, which had a population of 1.4 million in 2021, with missiles, bombs and drones, destroying energy infrastructure and killing civilians.

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Tags: LIVE TEXT war Ukraine day drone attack caused fire refinery Kaluga region Russia United States preparing aid packages Kiev
