“It was arranged before Tony got home. That’s how he rewarded me. “

“It was arranged before Tony got home. That’s how he rewarded me. “
“It was arranged before Tony got home. That’s how he rewarded me. “

Sofia Karkadim arrived at the family home in West Yorkshire in May after fleeing Lviv. Ten days later, Anthony (Tony) announced to his wife that he was leaving her for the young refugee. He fell in love with Sofia just 10 days after the first date.

Sofia claims that nothing happened between her and Tony until she left her husband’s house.

Lorna Garnett told The Sun: “At first I had reservations about housing a refugee in our house – who wouldn’t care?

We were bringing a stranger into our house to live with us. It’s an important decision, and although I wasn’t sure, he wanted to make it.

The situation in Ukraine is frightening for ordinary people, so I decided to put a roof over someone’s head and help them when they are in desperate need.

And that’s how Sofia rewarded me for giving her a house. She set her eyes on Anthony from the beginning, decided she wanted him, and took him. He didn’t care about the disaster.

Everything I knew was turned upside down in two weeks. I don’t know what I would have done without my friends, who have been here for me every minute since he left. (…)

She stayed in bed until 11.30 or 12.00 in the afternoon and when she woke up it was very difficult to talk to her. Her English is pretty good, so it wasn’t a language barrier. She just wasn’t interested in spending time with me.

During the day she did not wear makeup, did not do her hair and did not make any effort for her appearance. But that changed after 5 p.m., when Tony was coming home.

Suddenly, she came down with red lips, straight hair, and a short blouse. At first I thought I was imagining myself or that I was irrationally jealous. But unfortunately I was right all the time. “

The Ukrainian refugee reacts to his wife’s statements

Sofia Karkadim reacted to Lorna Garnett’s statements:

“Her constant suspicions, her tension, simply pushed me and Tony closer. She created this situation by constantly suggesting that something was wrong. So this is her fault. As for me, they ruined their relationship long before I arrived.

Their relationship was to blame. None of this is my job. It was my decision to leave when I left and Tony decided to come with me.

My parents said they were ashamed and couldn’t even go out because of me. It is said that because of me no one in the UK will receive any more Ukrainians. (…)

In my country, it is important for refugees to receive the help they need, and this story has done the opposite. (…)

People write to me that I am a horrible person, that I have done a bad thing for my country. “

The article is in Romanian

Tags: arranged Tony home rewarded


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