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Parliamentary Group of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians –

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Press statement

The abuses of local barons undermine public health

According to media articles, the 17 people who died in a few days at the Pantelimon Hospital in Bucharest show undoubtedly that the health system in Romania is paralyzed by incompetence, lack of professional interest and empathy and, at the same time, by too much arrogance and cynicism on the part of some medical personnel.

Patients are simple files, statistical numbers or cases in a dry record.

For a long time, patients are no longer seen as human beings with souls, feelings, families and lives that must be respected.

This tragic case, a true attack on the health and lives of citizens, was made public because it had a media impact.

What should happen in Griviţa commune from Galati county so that the abusive attitude of the PSD mayor – Chebac Nicu, by which he directly generates a real attack on the public health of the citizens of the locality, should be checked by the institutions of government control even though he is a mayor of the ruling party?

For too long, this local baron has despised the life and health of an entire commune, blocking the use of a dispensary for family doctors, dentists and other specialties just because he pursues personal interests.

He organized tenders for the use of the dispensary. Young doctors came who wanted to dedicate their activity and career for the good of the citizens of the commune and who initially won. But because they failed to show the mayor what he could gain directly from them, Chebac Nicu canceled the auctions.

Is it necessary for the death of a young woman during childbirth, or of a young child whom there is no one to consult, for this situation created in bad faith by the PSD mayor – Chebac Nicu, to attract the attention of the control body of the Prime Minister or the Minister of Health.

We will not stop here, Romanian brothers, because we can’t do it anymore!

Lilian Scripnic,
Deputy AUR
Electoral constituency no. 18, Galati
Press statement – Deputy Lilian Scripnic (AUR Galati)

Photo source cdep

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Parliamentary Group Alliance Union Romanians