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The “child” of George Simion, from AUR, betrayed his spiritual parent. He left with resignations and scandal –

On April 26, Valentin Florea launched the attack on George Simion. The candidate for the position of mayor of Sector 6 in Bucharest resigned, after a discussion he had with the head of the AUR. The demand that was imposed on him displeased, and on this occasion he told what “scheme” the party wants to do.

The head of AUR had a discussion, at night, with “brother Mișu Enache”, after which he determined that he had to move some candidates for the local council to the top positions. Not wanting to be unfair to his colleagues, Valentin Florea resigned.

“Today I decided to resign from the AUR party. I only feel sorry for good people, people he took advantage of and still takes advantage of, a Garbage. (…)

In the historic year 2024, everything is changed. Devils replaced ideals, money overshadowed principles, the mix polarized the party into hundreds of mini-camps. Disintegrated organizations, good people, soulful, capable, beautiful…disappointed by Garbage”, says George Simion’s “child” on Facebook.

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Insults and harsh words between George Simion and the party’s candidate for the district mayor

Valentin Florea claims that he has been preparing for the local elections of 2024 for 3 years. He spent more than 130,000 euros on rent, utilities, shares, buses, vests, t-shirts, caps, summer camp, printer subscription, coffee, water , juices, meals, petrol, premises renovation, furniture, laptops and many other payments. He sold two of his apartments, and George Simion wouldn’t have given him a single lei to support himself.

Now, as a sign of “gratitude”, the AUR leader has made him a “woodsman”. Here’s his story:

“He calls me at 10:57 a.m. and says “Listen, you bastard (with all the diplomacy I have, if we had been face to face, I think you would have bitten your tongue, that Garbage), thank you for not intruding over your list of my people. That you want to run for the District 6 City Hall, you also want the first place on the council. So don’t put PSD-ists on my list, in the first 10”.

Party President approach in 2024. And look, this is how he got in everywhere, in all sectors he put the people he wanted, not those who worked. S1, S2, S3, S4, S5. Mihail Dojană from s1 left, he realized the Garbage! He also put in about 250,000 euros to keep the Organization. Later, he was offered the second place on the council,” says the candidate for District 6.

According to his words, Mihai Dojană from Sector 1 also invested a colossal amount and withdrew also because of George Simion.

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Tags: child George Simion AUR betrayed spiritual parent left resignations scandal Budgetul .ro