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Cornel Nistorescu: “Don’t offend Ciolacu by telling him that he is Romanian; maintaining this individual in the role of political prima donna, a sign of the impotence and dishonor into which the Romanian people have fallen”

“Marcel Ciolacu’s latest pansies show us a politician with an easygoing and toupee, nosy and ready to make assessments in any field, on any subject, with the aplomb of a fisherman who is not afraid that someone is counting his fish”, the journalist writes in Cotidianul Cornel Nistorescu.

“Ciolacu is the kind of politician born from the generation of producers of protest leaflets that appeared after the fall of Ceaușescu in Buzău, with claims of a man with special merits in the “revolution”.

Carrier of bags, rifles and pretzels, with the school made during the hunting parties and the hunting meals afterwards, but also during the commute from Buzau-Bucharest and back, he made a team of servant advisers (exactly as he he was also) with Lucian Romașcanu, Paul Stănescu and Marian Neacșu and he rises as a great thinker in all the subjects in which he has the level of education and culture of Bula.

“That’s it, the Banatian from Grindeanu came to build a highway in Moldova. Buzaul is not in Moldova and please don’t offend me! But a buzoian also came who, together with Mr. Grindeanu and the rest of his colleagues in the government, started to bring the people of Timisoara what is right to bring”.

The joke or Ciolacu’s bench goes to the hearty meal at the end of the hunt, when people still puff up their feathers and joke. Jokes with Transylvanians and Moldovans are sometimes successful and produce smiles of complacency, sometimes even among students.

But a statement by the prime minister who makes a case and goes away when he hears that belonging to Moldova is an insult is a disqualification.

Don’t offend Ciolacu by making him Romanian. He is a buzoian. This is a kind of proof of the superbness of a lowly human, not to say stupid and classless politician.

The list of blunders, mistakes and revenges of this political pesvenghi is quite long. No one mentions or reconstructs more for fear of his power held in the PSD and the weight of the prime minister’s signature.

The jokes and honeyed questions prepared for Mr. Goe on Antena 3 and Romania Tv are part of getting the benefits. Who really asked him about the aberration with the reduction of budget expenses, with the limited cash after it fell out of his pocket, with the designation of an unknown woman at the top of the Alliance’s list for eruroparliamentary. How did he get to her? Or at the tambourine with the support and challenge of Professor Cîrstoiu?

How stable is the “stability” that they keep bragging about and which inflates Romania’s external loans to the silly level of risk? He should not be made to prove or retract the kisses and compliments given to Gabriela Firea, when everyone knows about the conflict between the Pandele clan and Gînsacul de Buzău.

The silence of the so-called intellectual elite of Romania also seems strange to me. Ciolacu is not her idol, but not her favorite either. But all the luminaries of the fight for freedom are careful to shoot him one by one when he speaks nonsense or when he lies shamelessly, when he boasts or when he babbles.

They are probably silent, waiting for the secret from the next government.

Maintaining this character in the position of political prima donna, a person who expresses himself more with his shoulder and hip and less often with a real political project regarding the special situation in which Romania is, remains a sign of our impotence. And of dishonor!”, writes Nistorescu.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Cornel Nistorescu Dont offend Ciolacu telling Romanian maintaining individual role political prima donna sign impotence dishonor Romanian people fallen

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