Romania Posts English

GOLD is an illusion directed by a Garbage / Devils have replaced ideals

Valentin Florea, announced by the extremist AUR party in March as a candidate for the District 6 City Hall, announced on Saturday that he is resigning from the party. He characterized George Simion as “garbage” and accused him of imposing on the lists of Trasist candidates from PSD and PNL.

“In Iași, Alba Iulia and all over the country, you appointed PSD-ists, PNL-ists, route planners for the last hundred meters, either candidates for municipalities or county councils (…) Garbage is put on the lists, everything at AUR it’s on taxes. There is no SG, there are no Vice-Presidents, presidents, there is nothing but Garbage,” wrote Florea on a social network.

Florea accused the party of supporting violence against women: “I think it’s enough that I worked for this party, it’s enough that I argued on television for a Garbage. I am going back to my work and I will accept to get involved politically in a serious party with a sane leader. Not violently with women as they say in the fair, not with a three-pole, not with street garbage”.

The former leader of the Sector 6 organization also wrote about Simion that he has no chance of winning the presidential elections: “If Mr. Gunoi thinks he will ever be the President of Romania, he is sorely mistaken. God forbid! (The Americans won’t let you, Trash, and the Romanians won’t vote for you either), because you have neither scope nor ability. You still can’t tell the difference between the dative and the accusative.”

Valentin Florea also said that the party should be led by Claudiu Târziu.

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