All of Romania is changing from the ground up. The news was given today


The Prime Minister of Romania, Marcel Ciolacu, reminded everyone that “reforms do not necessarily mean that scarecrow that we always talk about.” It doesn’t mean that people will be kicked out on the conveyor belt. Reforms are necessary.

Marcel Ciolacu: We can’t continue like this

The Prime Minister of Romania, Marcel Ciolacu, reminded everyone that reforms are necessary. They should not be seen as something scary, as they are often perceived. It is not true that reforms will always lead to massive layoffs. The current situation cannot continue as it is. It is essential to make a transition towards integrated digitization between central and local government. Initiatives have been taken in this regard. He is proud that significant progress has been made in the past year. Romania is heading in the right direction.

“We need reforms. Reforms do not necessarily mean that scarecrow that all the time we talk about them, sir, there will be reforms, the world will be kicked out. Fake! But we can’t continue like this either. We can no longer continue with an empirical digitization without an integrated digitization between the central administration and the local administration.

We can no longer talk, after 30 years since the Revolution, about the digitalization of ANAF. There are things that started and I proudly tell you that they started in the last year. It is for the first time that these things are seen and it is for the first time – and I tell you without any hesitation – that Romania is in the right direction”, he said, on Friday, at an event organized by the PSD.

In the first four months of the current year, investments and payments worth 41 billion lei were recorded. This has never happened before in Romania’s history. In the past, this amount would have represented Romania’s entire investment budget. This sustainability brought about by investment has led to economic growth. It is necessary that this be reflected in the improvement of the standard of living and in the quality of the services offered to Romanian citizens.

At present, it is crucial to make a transition from a consumption-oriented economy to a production-oriented one. Investments cannot be attracted to the country if the Romanian state does not invest in infrastructure to ensure an adequate return for investors. In business, there is no charity. Everyone invests to make a profit. This money is finally returned to the Romanians.

“Romania, for a very long time, was based on a consumer economy. Without offending anyone, especially our governing partners, the two years were catastrophic for Romania and managed very unprofessionally, to be elegant.

(…) For the first time we moved from an economy based on consumption, we moved to an economy with economic growth based on investments”, he said.

Mihai Tudose, on the first place in the list of PSD candidates for the European Parliament elections

“The positioning of Mihai Tudose on the first place on the list of candidates for the European Parliament elections. Tudose leads the PSD campaign at the national level determined that Brăila is the first organization where a party event takes place in the electoral campaign for the local and European parliamentary elections.

Since he is the head of the campaign, we spend so much time together that it’s as if we live together. For you it’s laughable, for me it’s not”, explained the leader of the social democrats.

Mihai Tudose (PHOTO SOURCE: Facebook, Mihai Tudose)

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Romania changing ground news today
