VIDEO 3 mistakes in the GOLD clip where George Simion is called by Mihai Viteazul to lead his “army”

VIDEO 3 mistakes in the GOLD clip where George Simion is called by Mihai Viteazul to lead his “army”
VIDEO 3 mistakes in the GOLD clip where George Simion is called by Mihai Viteazul to lead his “army”

AUR released a ridiculous election campaign clip. It lasts 2 minutes and has as its main character an actor who “interprets” Michael the Brave, armed with a hatchet. He mobilizes the GOLD “army” that appears in the second part of the clip and which is led, of course, by George Simion.

VIDEO 3 mistakes in the GOLD clip where George Simion is called by Mihai Viteazul to lead his “army”

“Mihai Viteazul” from the AUR clip begins by saying “This is what I was poking at: Union”.

Then, Mihai speaks to the Romanians saying: “I love you, I serve you (with pathos)”.

The voivode’s interpreter begins ridiculously: “it scares you that money loses its value, that you are not heard, the war on the border” and asks “unite again, because only in this way will our destiny be fulfilled”.

He also asks all Romanians to come home because “it’s a time of danger” and everyone must join the “people’s army”.

Among the AUR-ists appears George Simion who, normally, leads the said “army”. In the second part of the clip, Simion dares to say some mobilizing words. Find the clip below.

Some inadvertences from history

The choice of the character MIhai the Brave to give a message of unity, of “Romanity”, of enlisting all Romanians in the “people’s army” led by Simion, is unfortunate for 3 reasons.

The first reason

The “People’s Army” invoked in the AUR clip refers to what in the medieval period was the “Great Army” of the Romanian Countries.

The problem is that Michael the Brave was the first ruler who relied in the battles he fought – taking over the fashion already existing in the West – more on mercenaries, on professional foreign fighters and not on native ones.

Peasants were only called to the army in exceptional cases, not being familiar with the weapons needed in a war of the time. In addition, they were not armed with lords and for fear of uprisings that could degenerate.

That is why the invocation, “Armies of the People”, is wrong. Free peasants, landowners or those from the mountain areas who guarded the passes participated in the wars led by the great voivode.

Second mistake

The union of Mihai Viteazul did not last long, as AUR and Simion wish for the “unity” of the current Romanian people. It only lasted 4 months.

The last united province of the three was Moldova, on June 1, 1600, the voivode entering Iași, after having expelled Ieremia Movilă.

However, in September 1600, MIhai lost to Basta at Mirăslău and lost Transylvania, so the union fell apart.

In addition, a month later, he also lost Moldova, being defeated by the Poles in the battle of Bucov on October 20, 1600, who reinstated Ieremia Movilă on the throne.

In a short time, the Poles also put Simion Movilă, the brother of the one from Moldova, on the throne of Wallachia.

Michael the Brave remains “without a country”, leaving, with his wife and daughter, to Prague to ask Emperor Rudolf II for help.

The third error

Michael the Brave himself does not have a very good image in history when it comes to the “population”, the common people or, as they would say now, the “voters”.

The voivode remained famous in history not only for the re-established union, but also for the connection with the Romanians – the landless peasants of Wallachia – known as “Mihai’s connection”.

They were obliged to stay only on their estate, something requested by the great boyars who stood by the ruler throughout his campaigns.

And this does not really “rhyme” with the intentions of George Simion, who would like to “untie” the Romanians from the “gang” of the European Union.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: VIDEO mistakes GOLD clip George Simion called Mihai Viteazul lead army
