The law to support Ukrainian citizens, promulgated today by President Iohannis

The law to support Ukrainian citizens, promulgated today by President Iohannis
The law to support Ukrainian citizens, promulgated today by President Iohannis
  • The law approving the Emergency Ordinance which provides for the provision of humanitarian support and assistance by the Romanian state to foreign citizens or stateless persons in special situations, originating from the armed conflict zone in Ukraine, was promulgated on Friday by President Klaus Iohannis.

According to the respective Emergency Ordinance, foreign citizens or stateless persons in special situations who come from the area of ​​the armed conflict in Ukraine and enter Romania and who do not request a form of protection according to the Law on Asylum in Romania, with subsequent amendments and additions, benefit, in within the framework of temporary accommodation and humanitarian assistance camps or in other accommodation locations established by the county/municipality committees of Bucharest for emergency situations, to ensure essential utilities.

Likewise, the persons concerned have the right to be included in the national public health programs aimed at the prevention, surveillance and control of communicable diseases, in situations of epidemiological risk.

The persons provided benefit from the same medical services as Romanian insured persons, without the payment of the social health insurance contribution, as well as the medicines, sanitary materials, medical devices and services included in the national curative health programs.

The plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies adopted, in mid-April, the Government’s Emergency Ordinance, which aims at the method of granting financial support in order to correlate financial measures with the employment of refugees in the labor field, with the enrollment of children in a form of education and with the acquisition of a status legal in Romania.

Thus, it is established the possibility of granting a monthly lump sum, for a single period of a maximum of four consecutive months, starting from May 1, 2023, in order to cover food and accommodation expenses on the territory of Romania, for families and single persons, beneficiaries of the Decision implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/382.

The amount, conditions and mechanism for awarding the respective amounts are established by Government decision. After the completion of the period of four consecutive months in which they benefited from the monthly lump sum, the respective persons have access to the unemployment insurance system, to the measures to prevent unemployment and to the measures to stimulate employment, granted following registration with the employment agencies of the county workforce, respectively of the Bucharest municipality, under the conditions established for Romanian citizens.

According to the normative act, after the completion of the period of four consecutive months, families and single persons provided previously benefit from the monthly lump sum until the end of 2023, to cover accommodation expenses, granted from the budget of the County Inspectorates for Emergency Situations/the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Bucharest-Ilfov. The amount, conditions and mechanism for granting the lump sum are established by the Government’s decision.

According to the GEO, natural persons who hosted, until April 30, 2023, foreign citizens or stateless persons in special situations, coming from the armed conflict zone in Ukraine, benefit from the settlement of food and accommodation expenses in the amount of 20 lei/day /person hosted for food and 50 lei/day/person hosted for accommodation if they submit requests in this regard, according to the settlement mechanism approved by the Government Decision on establishing the settlement mechanism from the budget of the county inspectorates for emergency situations/the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Bucharest-Ilfov of the food and accommodation expenses of foreign citizens or stateless persons in special situations, coming from the armed conflict zone in Ukraine, hosted by natural persons, as well as for the allocation of an amount from the Budgetary Reserve Fund at the disposal of the Government, provided for in the budget of state for the year 2022, for supplementing the budget of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with subsequent changes.

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The article is in Romanian

Tags: law support Ukrainian citizens promulgated today President Iohannis
