ADU and AUR argued in the Night of the Mind. Then came the accusations –

ADU and AUR argued in the Night of the Mind. Then came the accusations –
ADU and AUR argued in the Night of the Mind. Then came the accusations –

A spontaneous conflict that broke out tonight between AUR members and representatives of the United Alliance (USR – Forța Dreptei) was transformed by the Nica – Fritz tandem into a real media circus, through which they try to blame PSD and PNL for the conflict. Night of the mind!

“Just yesterday, at the start of the electoral campaign, I called for a civilized campaign from all competitors. We have always argued that such actions are not worthy of a city the size of Timișoara, and we have disapproved of conflicts every time, and what happened last night does not honor us as Timișoara residents. At the same time, the attack of Alin Nica and Dominic Fritz on the PSD, which has never been involved in such actions specific to extremist parties, does no honor to anyone either. The only goal of the two is to attack the Social Democratic Party.

What the representatives of those involved in last night’s scandal do not understand is that the people of Timisoara disapprove of such behavior and that they will vote to sanction the circus, choosing concrete investments and projects. We also request the state authorities to sanction the two groups that brawled naked in the center of the city, in a symbolic place for Timișoara”said Alfred Simonis, PSD Timiș president.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: ADU AUR argued Night Mind accusations
