A millionaire received a dollar from a child who thought he was a street person. His reaction is fabulous!

A millionaire received a dollar from a child who thought he was a street person. His reaction is fabulous!
A millionaire received a dollar from a child who thought he was a street person. His reaction is fabulous!

A millionaire received a dollar from a child who thought he was a street person! The man from the American city of Baton Rouge, in the state of Louisiana, had a colossal surprise when a little boy mistook him for a street person.

“The fire alarm went off in the complex where (Matt) had the apartment. So Matt jumped out of bed and raced up the stairs to find there was no fire. But because he was still awake, and even though he was wearing ill-fitting and wrinkled clothes, Matt decided to go for a coffee”says CBS correspondent Steve Hartman.â

The man stood for a few seconds in front of the cafe, under the eaves. In these baits, a boy of only 9 years -pointed at him and offered him a dollar.

“I started to open my eyes slowly and, at one point, I saw a kid, about my height, coming towards me. He showed me a dollar bill and I was speechless”said Matt Busbice.

“I always wanted to help a homeless person and finally I had the opportunity”Kelvin said.

The boy says that he had just received the money, as a reward for the good grades obtained at school. Matt was so surprised by the child’s gesture that he invited him for a snack. In addition, he told Kelvin that he could take anything he wanted from his sporting goods store, including a bicycle. The kid was happy, but he says his goal was different.

Asked by the reporter what he wanted to get when he offered the money, the child answered simply: joy.

“When you give something, you will get more… I didn’t have this thinking when I was a child. If we spread this way of thinking, everything will change”stated Matt Busbice.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: millionaire received dollar child thought street person reaction fabulous
