He is Radu, the young man who disappeared in the sea, on a beach in Greece


Radu Dinu left with several friends from work on vacation in Greece. But, even on the first day when they all went to a beach in Mylos, undeveloped and hard to reach, the young man would have entered the turbulent water. Soon, because he could not swim, he cried for help.

“He is still wanted, they went to the sea to have fun like all the young people and he climbed a rock to take pictures and there the unfortunate incident slipped, I understood. It was a 2-meter gap in which he fell and never got out of there “, says a woman.

“The child went on vacation at sea with a group of colleagues from work, on the first day he got there the misfortune happened,” says a friend of the family.

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Neighbors say that the boy’s parents, the mayor of Amărăştii de Jos and his wife, would have gone to Greece immediately to look for Radu, the Greek press writes.

“As the mayor heard, he went after him! I hope they find him! ”Says a local.

Authorities in Greece have been searching for Radu since day one. The Lefkada coast guard arrived on the scene with a boat and divers. The search was interrupted during the night, but was resumed every morning.

The article is in Romanian


Tags: Radu young man disappeared sea beach Greece


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