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Loredana Groza, Spectacular Appearance in Mamaia. The artist sang suspended above the audience, in

In her characteristic style, the artist chose an extravagant outfit and sang the songs that made her famous suspended above the stage. Loredana wore a bodysuit with various multicolored stripes, knee-high black boots, a long green cape and a giant water lily accessory, also green, on her head,

The artist posted on her Instagram account a presentation clip of the performance in Mamaia in which she appears going to the concert hall, and then singing her famous song “Good evening, my love!” while suspended above the stage with a metal frame.


“What a queen! What a presence! The greatest artist of all time!””You are spectacular Loredana. You shine as always. You are very beautiful. Bravo! Congratulations costume. Good luck.” – are some of the messages from the fans, according to Unica!

How Loredana keeps in shape

Aged 53, Loredana Groza wants to have a perfect stage presence when she appears in front of her fans. Not a week goes by without her holding a concert, going to a private or social event, being among the favorite artists in Romania.

Precisely because she wants to have a flawless image, over time, the singer has made many changes, adopted a healthy lifestyle, and recently eliminated foods containing animal protein from her diet.

Over time, it was talked about the fact that Loredana Groza would have crossed the threshold of the esthetician, but she always denied it. The transformation of the star in recent years has raised many questions among fans. The artist is no longer going to pay attention to the comments of the ill-wishers and claims that she does not have to justify herself to anyone.

“I like. I don’t want to get into this controversy anymore. It’s a stupidity. First of all, no one has to make excuses for anything. I don’t answer to anyone but to God, to my fans. And they know who Lori is, they know that I’ve always had a generous chest, from the beginning of my career, especially from the movie «The Second Fall of Constantinople». There were no silicones back then.

I had big lips, that’s why the TV people and the communists banned me back then because I was too sexy. I had too big lips, too long hair, too big breasts. And at that time such interventions had not even been heard of… people who are limited and impressionable or simply malicious, those people comment. Because anyone who knows me knows that I am and always have been one hundred percent original,” said Loredana recently.

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Tags: Loredana Groza Spectacular Appearance Mamaia artist sang suspended audience