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ISU Gorj had over 120 emergency situations during the May 1st and Easter mini-holiday Breaking local news, video news

* Fires, road accidents: 102 missions to provide qualified first aid

Unfortunately, during this period emergency situations did not stand aside and there were quite a few situations in which people needed help requiring the intervention of specialized crews.

“Thus, between April 30 and May 6, 2024, our institution was requested to intervene in 128 emergency situations: 102 missions to provide qualified first aid through 7 SMURD crews operationalized at the level of Gorj County; 3 house fires; 10 interventions to ensure specific protective measures in case of road accidents; 8 missions to ensure preventive measures at places of worship; a mission to save an animal; a false alarm; three other interventions”, ISU Gorj announced.

Explosion in an apartment in Târgu Jiu
The firefighters also had the mission to extinguish a fire that broke out in an apartment in the municipality. ,,Unfortunately, another serious emergency occurred this morning (no Tuesday morning), around 02:30, when we were requested to intervene to manage an emergency situation generated by an explosion, followed by a fire at an apartment located on the 3rd floor of a block on Păcii street in the municipality of Târgu Jiu. Two fire trucks with water and foam, a work platform for working at heights and a SMURD crew from our unit, as well as a crew from the Gorj County Ambulance Service were sent to the scene. Unfortunately, a 73-year-old female person was found inside the building, in a state of unconsciousness, with burns on a large surface of the body. The woman was taken by the medical team in a very serious condition and transported to the emergency unit of the hospital in Târgu Jiu. The fire was located and quickly extinguished by our colleagues, preventing it from spreading to other homes. As a precaution, two people were evacuated from the upper floor, not requiring the evacuation of all tenants in the block. The probable cause of the explosion followed by the fire is an accumulation of gases from the stove in the building’s kitchen. Unfortunately, a moment of inattention, carelessness, malfunction or human error can easily lead to emergencies or real tragedies. To be informed and to know the rules and measures that we must follow in an emergency situation, confidently access the national platform If you are faced with an emergency situation or witness an emergency situation, confidently call the number one for emergency calls 112. Be preventive, and we want you not to face emergency situations!”, ISU Gorj sent

The article is in Romanian


Tags: ISU Gorj emergency situations #1st Easter miniholiday Breaking local news video news