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Romanians have to wait more than 40 days until they receive their next pension! When the money comes in in June

Romanians will wait more than 40 days until they receive their pension in June.

There are only a few months left until Romanians should benefit from higher incomes, after the implementation of the pension law from September 1, 2024.

The governors claim that the recalculation process is almost ready and pensioners will start receiving the recalculation decisions very soon. They will thus find out how much money they will receive in addition after their incomes will be assessed by the authorities.

However, until then, life for retirees is tough. That’s why, month after month, they eagerly await their pensions. Unfortunately, until the next pension, they will have longer to wait than usual.

Romanians received their pensions at the beginning of May

This month, pensioners received their pensions at the beginning of May. And that’s because of the Easter and May 1 holidays.

“At the request of Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, the Ministry of Labor and Social Solidarity initiated a draft Government Decision and a Memorandum so that the payment of pensions can be made before the Easter holidays.

The executive approved, in Thursday’s meeting, the two normative acts that ensure the advance payment of pensions and other rights provided for by special laws, related to the month of May 2024. Thus, the National Public Pension House (CNPP) is to transfer until 30 April the necessary sums to the Romanian Post Office and the commercial banks with which it has concluded agreements for the payment of these rights, the Ministry of Labor announced at the end of April.

“Advancing the payment of pensions before the Easter holidays requires a sustained effort for which I want to thank all those involved, my colleagues in the ministry, the National Public Pension House and territorial pension houses, the commercial banks with which CNPP has concluded agreements and, not in lastly, to the representatives of the Romanian Post Office, who will make efforts so that these rights reach the pensioners as quickly as possible”, declared the Minister of Labour, Simona Bucura – Oprescu.

Romanians will wait more than 40 days until the next pension

This is also the reason why Romanians still have to wait until they receive the money in June. Especially those who chose to pay their pension by card. And this because, according to the National Public Pensions House, pensions via current account or card account are paid on the 12th of each month, but no later than the 13th of each month.

So, from the first days of May, until the 12th of June, Romanians have to wait more than 40 days.

How pension rights are paid

Depending on the option of the pensioner, the pension rights are paid by postal order, at the domicile of the beneficiary of the pension rights or of the trustee, or in a current account or card account at one of the banks with which the National Public Pension House has concluded agreements for the payment of the rights pension.

The article is in Romanian


Tags: Romanians wait days receive pension money June