Romania Posts English

Keep church exits clear and park cars without blocking firefighter access to places of worship

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ISU Suceava sends, on Saturday, around the Florii holiday, some recommendations to avoid unwanted situations in case of incidents.

In the context in which Orthodox Christians celebrate Palm Sunday, the Sucevian military firefighters are ready to intervene to provide emergency medical assistance, extinguish fires and rescue people from dangerous situations.

In order to avoid incidents during religious services, we recommend both priests, but especially parishioners, to follow some simple, but very important rules that can save lives and property:

– keep the escape routes from the church clear and prohibit access inside, if the capacity of the building has been exceeded;

– park cars in the vicinity of places of worship, so that the access of fire trucks is not obstructed.

“Let’s enjoy this celebration together, without events that endanger lives and property!”, ISU Suceava said.

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The article is in Romanian


Tags: church exits clear park cars blocking firefighter access places worship