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PNL Bihor announced its candidates for the Oradea City Council and…

PNL Bihor launched, on Saturday, its candidates for the City Hall and the Oradea Local Council, respectively for the Bihor County Council. Mayor Florin Birta, a candidate for a new mandate, announced the list of liberals who aspire to become local councilors, and the president of the CJ Bihor, Ilie Bolojan, who also demands the vote of the Bihors for another 4 years in this position, presented the nominations for county councillors.

The well-known surgeon Dănuț Dejeu is one of the PNL Bihor proposals on the list of councilors in Oradea, a surprising nomination, as it was not known until now that the doctor, head of the Oncological Surgery section of the Municipal Hospital, became a PNL member.

Also, the list of councilors who want a county councilor mandate has a big surprise: dentist Sebastian Lascu, the same one who in 2021 resigned from PNL, publicly declaring his dissatisfaction with the situation in the organization led by Ilie Bolojan.

They want to be elected by the people of Oradea

The two lists were announced on Saturday morning, through a live broadcast on Facebook by the president of PNL Bihor, Ilie Bolojan, and the leader of the municipal organization, Florin Birta.

All the candidates gathered in the courtyard of the Citadel in Oradea, and after short speeches given by Bolojan and Birta, they presented their colleagues with whom they are asking for the votes of Oradea and Bihoren respectively.

The list of candidates for the Oradea City Council is opened by Florin Birta, followed then, in the order in which they will appear on the ballots, by senator Arina Moș and surgeon Dănuț Dejeu, primary physician, head of the Surgery Department at the County Hospital and university assistant in the Faculty of Medicine in Oradea. “As we are used to in every election cycle, PNL Oradea came up with proposals for new people to be part of the City Council and I thank Dr. Dejeu for accepting this,” said Florin Birta.

Next on the list are the current deputy mayor Marcel Dragoș, economist Camelia Dulca (director of ARR Bihor), reserve colonel Grigore Morar, university lecturer Carmen Rus (director of the Philharmonic) and entrepreneur Mihai Torjoc (owner of the Due Fratelli restaurant chain, in the photo below, with Carmen Rus).

About the head of the Philharmonic, Birta said that she seriously developed the local institution. “Oradea needs culture and we will emphasize culture”, promised the PNL candidate for the City Hall.

On the 9th place is the incumbent vice-mayor Antonia Nica, followed by the current local councilors Teofil Filimon, Ligia Burtă and Călin Barabaș. Lawyer Laviniu Domocoș occupies the 13th position, and the list continues with teacher Karmen Chimerel, engineer Ioan Tirla, entrepreneur Ioan Lezeu, lawyer Florin Marinău, engineer Andrei Crăciun, jurist Marius Zdrinça and economist Nicolae Nica. It is worth mentioning that the last six candidates for CL Oradea still have this quality.

“We will continue!”

On this occasion, the mayor Florin Birta, whom the PNL announced three days ago that he will run for a second term at the head of the City Hall, also spoke about the projects already carried out in the city and about those that he wants to continue for the municipality.

“During 2020-2024, Oradea reached an unprecedented level in terms of attracting European funds and investing in industrial parks. Translated into serious projects, they managed to increase the quality of life for all of us who live in this wonderful city”, said Birta.

“We will continue on the same line, going to increase the comfort of all the citizens of Oradea”, promised the mayor.

“Recruitment” from Băile Felix

The PNL list for the Bihor County Council is opened by Ilie Bolojan, followed by the vice-president Mircea Mălan, whom the president of the Bihor Liberals wanted to thank for the work done in the last four years to coordinate the county’s European projects.

Then, Bolojan presented the candidates, but in alphabetical order and not as they will be on the ballots, PNL Bihor not yet establishing their order on the official list. Thus, the first in the “catalogue” is the head of the School Inspectorate, Horea Abrudan, followed by Ionel Avrigeanu (engineer within ABA Crișuri), Dan Bodea (entrepreneur), Cristian Buzlea (director of OJFIR Bihor), Ovidiu Cseh (entrepreneur), Leontina Daragiu ( the founder of the Ruhama foundation) and Dumitru Fechete (director of the President complex in Băile Felix).

About Daragiu, Bolojan said that he relies on her expertise for activities for the benefit of the Roma community, and then thanked Fechete “for agreeing to join the team of advisers”. “For us, we cannot talk about quality tourism without spa tourism in Bihor County, and from this point of view, the development of the Băile Felix resort is a vital matter. In this project we rely on the experience of his lordship”, said Bolojan.

Leontina Daragiu and Dumitru Fechete, among those whom PNL Bihor proposes as county councillors

“Thank him for coming back”

PNL Bihor also proposes Halasz Attila (entrepreneur in the Beiuș area), Bogdan Hodișan (entrepreneur in Oradea and president of PNL Bihor’s youth organization) and, unexpectedly, dentist Sebastian Lascu as county councillors. “I thank him for returning to our team for supporting environmental and health projects,” said Bolojan about the one who, in 2021, criticized PNL Bihor for not valuing meritocracy and turning people who had just joined the party into senators.

The list read by Bolojan also includes Ramona Mateaș (entrepreneur and promoter of local product fairs), Cristian Mihuța (director of Solceta Ștei, the city’s water-sewer company), Călin Morar (entrepreneur in the Aleșd area), Constantin Nenny (entrepreneur in Salonta), Carmen Pantiș (doctor ATI), Daniel Pop (manager in the medical sector), Marcela Prada (dean of the Faculty of Construction in Oradea), Ancuța Șchiop (director of the County Library), Teodor Suciu (head of the Forestry Directorate) and Traian Turle ( engineer).

“These are the colleagues who on June 9 will appear with me in front of you, to ask for your support”, concluded Bolojan, announcing that in the next month, the projects proposed by PNL Bihor will be presented in detail.

Watch the video of the announcement:

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