“Russia has been sending death squads to Europe for years”

“Russia has been sending death squads to Europe for years”
“Russia has been sending death squads to Europe for years”

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said on Thursday that European countries should coordinate their decisions to “reduce the Russian diplomatic presence”, which, in his opinion, supports Moscow’s malign and subversive activities in European Union and NATO countries, reports EFE, according to Agerpres.

At a joint press conference with his Estonian counterpart Margus Tsahkna in the Estonian capital Tallinn, Sikorski also called for closer cooperation between European security services to monitor and counter Russia’s malign activities.

“Russia has been sending death squads to Europe for years,” Sikorski said, referring to Berlin, London and Salisbury, where Russian agents have attacked people in Moscow’s disfavor.

“It’s a full-spectrum showdown. It turns out that President (Russian, Vladimir) Putin has been at war with us for years,” he said.

Tsahkna stated that Estonia publicizes all cases of Russia’s malign activities as a way to deal with this form of aggression.

“We arrested more than ten people guided, financed and coordinated by the Russian secret services”, indicated the Estonian minister.

Estonian media reported in recent months about attempts to damage some war monuments and about an attack on the car of a high-ranking official.

Both ministers spoke of full agreement between Poland and Estonia on key security issues.

Estonia “is the kind of country we would like to have in the trenches with us,” said Sikorski.

The head of Polish diplomacy added that both sides agreed that “the restoration of the Russian empire must be stopped” so that Poland and Estonia do not fall under Russian rule again.

Both countries were part of the Russian Empire before World War II, and Estonia was annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940 until 1991, when it regained its independence.

The Polish minister, visiting Estonia, was to take part in the celebration of Europe Day in the capital Tallinn and meet with Prime Minister Kaja Kallas and other high-ranking officials.

The article is in Romanian


Tags: Russia sending death squads Europe years
