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Mike Myers, hardly recognizable at 60. The Austin Powers actor has given up dyeing his hair

Published article 03 May 2024

Mike Myers, the comedian who played the bubbly Austin Powers as well as Dr. Evil, is no longer in the public eye as much as he was in the second half of the 90s and early 2000s.

Mike Myers, today 60 years old, appeared, however, at the AFI Life Achievement Award gala, where Nicole Kidman received the Lifetime Achievement Award. The actor donned a classic tuxedo and walked the red carpet with a new look. He left his beard and short graying hair on display, unlike just a year ago when he was still dying and looking completely different.

Mike Myers, April 2023 / Photo: Profimedia

Also read: Who is Mike Myers, the actor of Austin Powers, in love with? The 58-year-old actor and his younger wife, tender gestures at an event

Mike Myers, April 2024 / Photo: Profimedia

Mike Myers has been married for 14 years. He discreetly lives his love with a woman 13 years younger

Also read: Mike Myers, again in the shoes of Dr. Evil, 25 years after the first Austin Powers film. He is unchanged and has not forgotten his iconic gesture

As expansive as he is on screen, Myers is as discreet about his personal life. Mike has been married since 2010 to Kelly Tisdale. The Canadian actor also marked a 13-year marriage with Robin Ruzan, the producer with whom he worked on the Austin Powers series.

Mike Myers and his wife, Kelly Tisdale / Photo: Profimedia

Kelly Tisdale is a visual artist. The blonde is not the first to appear in the world of showbiz, because before becoming the wife of Mike Myers she had a three-year relationship with the singer Moby. She began a romantic relationship with the actor in 2005, and currently she also enjoys their three children.

The article is in Romanian

Tags: Mike Myers recognizable Austin Powers actor dyeing hair